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About mcgrittles

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. I don't have the fix and I don't seem to be able to find it on the site
  2. Launcher says 1.7, It was Cahhmakt, and I have no mods installed execpt for TSLRCM. I'll go grab a screenshot or two
  3. The cutscene with the little flying dude and the Red Eclipse mercenaries triggered telling me they'll be at my ship. Instead of the cutscene ending and me having to walk to the ship like normal I am instantly sent into a loading screen and when I exit it, I am inside a empty Ebon Hawk. The only people inside it are Bao-Dur staring at the galaxy map and the one Red Eclipse dude (name starts with a G) standing in the little offshoot of the cockpit, both are impossible to interact with. My game is up to date and I have TSLCRM 1.7 installed PLS help