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About deafhobbit

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. So... has anyone been able to get cheats working on Windows 7? I opened swkotor2.ini as an admin and entered both EnableCheats=1 and EnableConsole=1, but when i run the game it console doesn't do anything. I tried running the game itself as an admin, but when i do it says i have no saved games. EDIT - Just checked and when i run it in compatibility mode for Xp SP3 the console works. Got to the tutorial and "heal" did what it was supposed to do. So now, i just need to figure out how to get that mode to see my save files. EDIT 2 - FIXED. My save files weren't stored under the normal "Save" folder, and so i went hunting. A random post on the old obsidian forum told me where Vista and 7 keep them - (your user name)/appdata/local/virtualstore/program files(or program files(x86) for 64 bit)/LucasArts/SWKotORII/saves While there, i see there's also a copy of SWKOTOR2.ini. On a hunch, i go in, add EnableCheats=1 under game options, and save. Launch the game, warp to DAN605, and things look good. Credit
  2. 1) Oh, ok. I did rush that dialogue since i was replaying through all of NS - messed up the first time and got the call from the exchange before i wanted to. 2) Is 601DAN the first area in Dantooine? In which case, do you mean i should use a cheat to go straight into the area with the temple entrance, mercs camp, etc? Thanks, and great work on the mod so far. I'm really enjoying it.
  3. Intel Core i5 Geforce 420m Windows & 64-bit 1.0b TSLRCM 1.7 No other mods 2 glitches, one minor and one major. Minor - Mira and Hannhar are chilling in the Refugee Landing Pad - Mira at the end of the hall after leaving the Ebon Hawk and Hannhar by the Duros merchant from the trade war quest. I can't remember when they first showed up, but they're still there after leaving GOTO's yacht. Major - First finished Dantooine, then NS. Wanted to go back to Dantooine to buy lightsaber parts, and the planet doesn't load. Screen goes black, mouse is fine and moves around, but loading screen doesn't appear. Have gone to other planets fine.
  4. On FAQ's, i was just planning on sticking with DSimpson's one on GameFaq's - that man was incredibly helpful when i was beating BG 1 & 2, and will be again whenever i get around to beating ToB. Thanks for all the advice. If anyone's willing to chip in, I'd still really appreciate advice on when you think it's best to convert allies to Jedi (ie, whether to level them up or save levels, and how much), and what skills i should make sure i have covered. If i remember right, it's a lot harder to get through TSL with an 8 int PC who only puts points in persuade, which was my go to build in KOTOR.
  5. 1 - I recently finished DAO:Awakening, so i have a background here. 2 - Right now, I wasn't planning on using any other mods. 3 - Again, limited gaming time. I was planning on at least two play throughs, but honestly between work, books i want to read, and other stuff i doubt I'd have time for more than two play throughs between now and when school starts, and grad students have limited gaming opportunities. So again, I'd ask is there anything i should be wary of missing.
  6. Alright, years ago i played both KOTOR games on the Xbox, and loved them. Recently, i picked up KOTOR for $2.50 on the steam summer sale, remembered how awesome it was, and ordered a copy of TSL before i'd even finished beating the first game. It should arrive next week, and I'm really looking forward to it. I want to try playing it with TSLRCM, but since i have limited gaming time, i want to have as frustration free an experience as possible. So, I was wondering if this community would be willing to help me answer a few questions, either directly or by directing me to the appropriate thread. 1) Common problems with getting TSL and TSLRCM working on windows 7, and their solutions 2) Any places where is should especially be aware of glitches that could mess stuff up? 3) Any potential places where i can mess up and miss something important/cool/fun in the game i should be aware of? By this, i mean stuff like making sure i make the right conversation choices to get Visas to teach me force sight. 4) General recommendations on party composition and main character builds. I'm not asking for a full guide or anything, and i know enough about D20 to find my way around, but I'd still like some general advice. What are fun builds, what skills are important to have covered, which NPC's do you find the most fun to have in your party, and when do you recommend training them to be Jedi. Thanks a bunch. I know these questions probably crop up with some frequency, but i wasn't really able to find answers to them. Hopefully, the answers in this thread will not just be useful for me, but for anyone else in a similar position looking to enjoy this mod.