dealer killer

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About dealer killer

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Hi I want to recreate the starting area of Kotor 2 in Unity and release it here, and I want to know if it's legal to use sound files from the game in it? NOTE: I know the answer is probably no but I am checking just in case
  2. Just the skip Peragus mod Although I had several other mods before I got TSLRCM, but I deleted them and re-installed the game before installing TSLRCM
  3. Yes, everything except for that is working, I already completed the game twice
  4. This mod:;41139
  5. I heard there should be a scene where Bao Dur, Atton and another party member have to fight through merceneries in Nar Shaddaa but the game just skips it for me
  6. So I fight through Citadel Station and I tell Mandalore that I am redy to go the Raveger, then the Republic fleet arrives and then then the screen turns black, if I save and load then I appear back to where I was standing when I talked to Mandalore and when I talk to him the dialog otions are like the onces during the mod game, if I walk away from him then he will ask me again if I am ready to go and the same thing happens Note: I am playing dark side Someone knows about this bug? or what's causing it?