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Posts posted by Mayank90

  1. hey please help these are the only errors i cant figure out

    [7/31/2024 10:06:30 PM] [Error] 
    [7/31/2024 10:06:30 PM] Exception: InvalidOperationException - Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
    [7/31/2024 10:06:30 PM] Stack trace:
       at SharpCompress.Common.SevenZip.ArchiveReader.ReadDatabase(IPasswordProvider pass)
       at SharpCompress.Archives.SevenZip.SevenZipArchive.LoadFactory(Stream stream)
       at SharpCompress.Archives.SevenZip.SevenZipArchive.LoadEntries(IEnumerable`1 volumes)
       at SharpCompress.Archives.AbstractArchive`2..ctor(ArchiveType type, SourceStream srcStream)
       at SharpCompress.Archives.SevenZip.SevenZipArchive.Open(Stream stream, ReaderOptions readerOptions)
       at KOTORModSync.Core.ComponentValidation.IsPathInArchive(String relativePath, String archivePath)
       at KOTORModSync.Core.ComponentValidation.IsSourcePathInArchives(String sourcePath, List`1 allArchives, Instruction instruction)
       at KOTORModSync.Core.ComponentValidation.VerifyExtractPaths()

    [7/31/2024 10:06:30 PM] [Error] Some components failed to validate. Check the output/console window for details.
    If you are seeing this as an end user you most likely need to whitelist KOTORModSync and HoloPatcher in your antivirus, or download the missing mods.