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Posts posted by jswartz0181

  1. Thanks. Looking forward to being able to create the other rockets (that I think I'd be more likely to use, but never did because of the limited numbers) my next playthru! :) I also see that a lot more than 8 people have downloaded it now. ;) Who knows how much of that is time up and how much were others having problems.

  2. Holy crap! It was so scary watching Clarissa Explains it All, and having that feeling as if it'd never been off the air! Really amazing (to me anyway) just how much this The 90's Are All That thing is trending on Twitter right now. Figured it'd maybe get one or two slots. But all of them?! :P

  3. CLARISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Fell in love with MJH in that. :) Been wanting to see Salute Your Shorts again lately too. Just need You Can't Do That on Television, and I think I might be set with Nick programing. :) Between that, The Hub, Boomerrang and Qubo, there isn't a whole lot left from my childhood not back on the air. :) The Real Ghostbusters airing someplace I think would finish it all off. :)

  4. Love the show! Watched it since the beginning. I just like that it's one of the few shows on History that actually has some historical significance to stuff in it. I mean, Revolutionary War/Civil War/WWI & II memorabilia coming thru the doors or UFOs and stuff from the Bible as if it's been proven to be 100% factual: which is more suitable for a channel that's supposed to be about history? :P

  5. And unless you're that bad of a shot with that turret that Sith board your ship, you won't be using it during the battle anyways.

    Except some people (myself included) allow the Sith to board in full. You get more XP slaughtering them face-to-face than via the turret, and you also get some pick-ups. And with the distribution of the Sith on board, there are breaks in the action where one might actually want/need to use the workbench.

  6. So recently I've had to reinstall everything on my computer, and last night got around to getting the KotORs reinstalled. So the question is, should I go ahead and add all the mods that I've remembered I had before (hopefully I haven't forgotten any) after installing 1.7, or hold off and just wait for 1.8?

  7. I believe that God inspired men to write the Bible. Every page is right from God. He spoke to prophets, and they wrote His words.




    Okay, look at it this way.


    Let's pretend I drove through a clearly marked 10 km\h zone at 110 km\h. The reason it has been reduced to 10 km\h, is that there is a blind children's convention right near by. I was caught, and justice demanded I pay a really hefty fine of 1 million dollars. I could never afford that! I am put up before the court. A resounding "Guilty!" is heard, and I am rightly condemned.


    I hang my head in shame, cursing myself for not seeing the clearly marked signs, and driving at dangerous speeds near children crossing the road, and blind ones at that. The Judge looks at me, and sees that I am genuinely sorry. His justice demands that punishment is carried out, but His mercy wants to help me.


    He walks up to me, and says, "If you will accept it, I will pay your debt, and you will be free of your crime."


    I can do one of two things: Accept His gift gratefully, or refuse and go to gaol (jail, for you Americans ;-D ).


    How does this relate to God?


    We have all sinned against Him. His justice demands a punishment, but He is a merciful and loving God. The only reason He doesn't strike us dead and put us in Hell right now, is because of His mercy.


    The Bible says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" (Romans 3:23) We all deserve Hell. We have all lied, cheated, stole (even little things), lusted, hated, the list could go on and on. God in His justice, must punish us. But in His mercy He provided a way of salvation.


    Romans 5:8 says "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."


    I'll leave you with this:


    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (John 3:16-19)

    Only problem with your analogy is acceptance of your judge's offer is after the fact, knowing exactly what the consequences are. With your god, after the fact isn't good enough; you have to accept the offer before hand, without any assurances of what is reality. Showing remorse for not being theist after you die, no matter how genuine, still is punished by eternal damnation. Which is another thing. Jail (actually, prison in this case) isn't for all eternity. Even if you get life without parole, there's still an end to the punishment: death (and thus the afterlife you believe in). When does God say "Alright, your time's been served. You're free to join me now."? And at that point, what difference is there between believing and not, if the end result is the same?

  8. When you think about it. If I'm wrong, and God doesn't exist, I am just misguided. But if I was right, I have been spared from hell, by a loving Saviour. I'm willing to bet on the latter. Are you willing to bet on God not existing, and ending up in hell?

    If you're right, then your god is a hypocrite, unworthy of worship. Gandhi would be burning in hell, while Hitler would be in heaven (he didn't do a thing that the Church hadn't done or supported prior). I personally would much rather be in a hell (which didn't get its modern day concept until the end of the Middle Ages as a means to scare people into belief, and before was just the peaceful existence EVERYONE but the truly bad people in Greek mythology was sent, but that just wasn't the reward that was heaven) than have to spend eternity with a hypocrite, who himself violates, depending on how you look at it, at least two of the seven deadly sins (envy/pride, since you can't worship anyone else, and wrath, dishing out such severe punishments for such petty things, and being so unwilling to forgive for them).

  9. I'm starting a thread because it's annoying to have a discussion like this in the update section.

    Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about there. Update section?


    That said, all I'm going to say (whatever this is really about) is that organized religion is a relic of ancient times, the sole purpose of which was to explain that which was unexplainable at the time. Unfortunately, that's the exact same purpose of science, and thus all the problems we see today. Now, considering the last of the scriptures of the Bible were written around 200 CE, and modern scientific method came to be in the 17th century, there are ~1,400 years between the two, thus simply put, science should supersede religion in all cases. Funny thing is, if you've ever seen Bill Maher's Religulous, that fact is pointed out by a Vatican priest!!


    As atheism is by definition non-theist, I'd be hard pressed to call it a religion. It's just acknowledgement that religion is outdated, unprovable and all around unnecessary in today's world.

  10. I've just found HK-47 torturing an HK-50 on the Ebon Hawk. It's really really hilarious the way Atton's leaning against the wall and saying "This is one . sick . droid." and you can hear the droid's scream in the meantime XD The colour of his voice and his position are awesome. One of the best scenes in the game! :D

    Just wait until you get to the HK factory itself. ;)

  11. Dont know if it has been mentioned before, but i think that when you buy (or kill =p) LS stuff from jorran (or maybe something close of it) in dantoine you still get a part, am i wrong? i thought i had reported this already. What a memory glimpse...

    Yeah..... I killed him and got a part. And can't remember all where, but somehow I managed to get the other two parts too. So although I didn't get the quest, I was still able to construct one.

  12. Maybe you could use those on the landing pad on Dantooine too?

    Frankly, I don't want a work-around. This is a thread to make requests for mods, and that's what I did. Besides, it's bad enough having to leave the EH to utilize party members' skills at a workbench (thus Dantooine isn't all that great of a location), I don't want to have to leave just put items elsewhere/pick them up.


    Besides, K1 EH had tons of storage space (I always made full use of it). K2 prologue EH has plenty of storage space (for what it's worth). K2 story EH doesn't without the non-RCM compatible mods that are out there.

  13. and only having two places to store stuff to get them out of the way can get to be kind of a hassle.


    Well are you familiar with the hidden cargo in the EH? also the RCM restores that wall-container in the cargo hold...

    I assume you're talking about those. I figured it was sufficient enough to mention two not being enough in my request for people to understand.

  14. I'm currently in the process of simplifying my Exile's inventory (selling/breaking down all unwanted weapons/armor/whatever, while buying/constructing the components to improve the ones I do want to a "standard"), and only having two places to store stuff to get them out of the way can get to be kind of a hassle. Seeing as the mods out there that expand the cargo hold tend to be not compatible with RCM (my understanding anyway), is there any way someone could create one that is RCM compatible to make the cargo hold more cargo holdy? Or in the garage. More plasteel containers are needed someplace anyway on the EH. Especially considering the prologue as all this storage space the story itself doesn't.

  15. One of the Gand, when asked about their accomplishments, refers to them as "my" and not "the Gand's" and you need 15 awareness to call him out on that slip up. If you need more help narrowing it down, he's

    in the group in the upper right corner of the room.

    (Don't click the spoiler if you still want to find him on your own.)

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  16. The second Dantooine one is right outside the landing pad when you return to the EH. That said, Telos.... the one you killed: is it the polar region set or the ones right outside the docks on a return?