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About StarfishXeno

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  1. View File SotOR Save Editor SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Warning SotOR is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and generally lacks sanity checks, potentially allowing you to break the save. Also there are bugs, probably. It creates a zip with the previous version of the save in it's directory, but you may still want to back it up manually. May or may not work with saves from non-English versions of the game. Use at your own risk. Differences from KSE Aims to provide the same features and more. Currently WIP. Runs natively on Windows, Linux and in the browser (experimental, using wasm). Mac version should work, but pre-built releases won't be available here. Uses a built-in game database, allowing it to work wihout the game installed. Still capable of loading provided game files for your modding needs. Provided releases assume KotOR 1 Community patch and KotOR2 TSLRCM. Support for the updated steam version of TSL, including workshop. Does NOT support xbox and switch saves. See "Contributing" section. Contributing If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue on github. I would like to add support for the console versions, but I don't own any of them. If you're willing to provide save files and help with testing, please open an issue. Thanks Thanks to KSE , NWN Wiki, KotOR.js and xoreos projects for providing references on where and how to get the required game data. Submitter StarfishXeno Submitted 02/01/2024 Category Modding Tools  
  2. Version 1.1.8


    SotOR: Saves of the Old Republic A new save editor for KotOR 1 and 2 Warning SotOR is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, and generally lacks sanity checks, potentially allowing you to break the save. Also there are bugs, probably. It creates a zip with the previous version of the save in it's directory, but you may still want to back it up manually. May or may not work with saves from non-English versions of the game. Use at your own risk. Differences from KSE Aims to provide the same features and more. Currently WIP. Runs natively on Windows, Linux and in the browser (experimental, using wasm). Mac version should work, but pre-built releases won't be available here. Uses a built-in game database, allowing it to work wihout the game installed. Still capable of loading provided game files for your modding needs. Provided releases assume KotOR 1 Community patch and KotOR2 TSLRCM. Support for the updated steam version of TSL, including workshop. Does NOT support xbox and switch saves. See "Contributing" section. Contributing If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue on github. I would like to add support for the console versions, but I don't own any of them. If you're willing to provide save files and help with testing, please open an issue. Thanks Thanks to KSE , NWN Wiki, KotOR.js and xoreos projects for providing references on where and how to get the required game data.