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Everything posted by Sheve

  1. Sheve

    HK Factory

    Hmm, I couldn't figure out how to unlock the HK51 console, even after downloading the behavior core and getting the datapad from the falled HK50 unit. THoughts?
  2. Sheve

    HK Factory

    Well, ater reloaded the game several times with no luck, I deicded to continue exploring. I went to the other terminal, saw that it needed an HK-50 overrride, then went back to the other terminal and haven't crashed after downloading the new personality. We'll see if this continues.
  3. Sheve

    HK Factory

    Ok, I'm in the factory, and I got the option to download HK-50 behavior into HK-47. I saved and did it just to see what happens...and I crash while HK is tentatively diagnosing himself. This happens every time I try to download the programming. i have no other mods, running 1.6, and I started from the beginning with the mod installed. I had started a vanilla game before I found this mod, had finished Dantooine and was starting Nar Shadda. I erased all of those saves and started over when I downloaded the mod. Suggestions?