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Posts posted by cehawa5700

  1. On 5/15/2017 at 11:03 PM, L0ki194 said:

    Rising from the grave once more to dish out yet another mod that I probably won't be releasing for a while, and poorly implement...

    Decided to make some extra skins for the Revan/Star Forge models, cause why the hell not (actually, it was because of this thread: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5336-star-forge-robesdarth-revans-robes-alteration/). So far, they're just pretty standard recolors and what not. Still messing around with the ideas and textures. I'll mess around with Alpha channels later and show them off in game at a later date.


    Lemme know what you guys think, and of any other variants you guys can think of.

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    EDIT, June 7th:

    Alright, after a long time of having to redo the template PSD files, I think I might have my final set of reskinned Revan/Star Forge Robes.


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    Again, any feedback would be appreciated.

    Sorry to necropost but was this ever released? The "Prodigal Knight" recolor is absolutely gorgeous and having it in my game would be incredible.