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Posts posted by ShinDangaioh

  1. The world ended when the internet first started.


    The world ended when UNIVAC was made


    Then world ended when a company called Atari started selling home console systems.


    The world ended when Mr. Ford created his horseless carriage


    The world ended when Bell put up telephone lines.


    The world ended when televsion sets were created


    The world ended when radios were invented


    The world ended when Orville and Wilbur Wright at Kittyhawk made their plane


    And so on and so on.


    What new invention will be made on the 21st that will change the world?


    Everytime an invention is made that has a major impact, the world ends and a new one begins.

    • Like 1

  2. You wrote some brilliant lines in there, no way I'm cutting them.



    I don't know :(

    I'll need to get a new game. Or make one.

    (but first, rejoice, sit back, and read review of M4-78EP. I'm so looking forward to that)

    I loved the original M4-78 and can't wait for the new version.


    For a new game you could try to make the tools for Amalur that were promised but never made(basically homebrewing your own quests, skins and whatnot). :)


    Sooner or later the MMO of Old Republic will be removed and moved to a standard RPG. Or someone in Lucasart will see how long KOTOR II lasted due to its heavy modding community despite it being a broken game.


    Back on topic, will M4-78 use that unusesd droid model that was used in Final Touch by oldflash? Those centaur like droids were really creepy.

  3. It was asked about or mentioned at some point, but yes.




    I'm wondering though, should I have it appear always like this(i.e it appears like this everywhere), or only on the planets I've chosen to do?

    Leave the Ebon Hawk in its Tron state evreywhere.


    If you ever do the palace on Onderon, purpule would work.


    Are you going to tackle KOTOR 1?

  4. "It's just not the Covenant who passes judgement on people. It's all the Jedi, every last one. Even if I got good at every thing else, I will never be good at that" - Zayne Carrick to Griff on why he refused Jedi Knighthood.

  5. <snicker>



    Ah well, passing over the Doctor's comment.



    Mandalore, there is one last item that you may find necessary for a starting GM. The Gamemaster's Screen.


    It has all the necessary charts on the screen, so you don't have to go flipping through the Core Rulebook all the time.

  6. The Core Rulebook is a must


    At any rate:


    Threats of the Galaxy<----This is the monster manual for the game. It is important.

    Starships of the Galaxy<---starship build rules and a LOT of starships

    Scavenger's Guide to Droids<--droid rules

    Scum and Villany<---expands on scoundrels, bounty hunters, thieves, charlatans, cantina bartenders

    Jedi Academy Training Manual<---self explanatory


    Those are the ones I feel that you should have. As to the others:


    Galaxy at War and Galaxy of Intruige are style books. One is for the style of blatant wars and the other is the style of the shadow wars of spies and assassins. An argument can be made either way for theese two. I'll leave it to others to weigh in on them


    Unknown Regions is a setting book and the last of the books in the game. It is not necesarry at all.


    The remaining five books are era books. Knights of the Old Republic, Clone Wars, Force Unleashed(Galen Marek/Starkiller), Rebellion, Legacy(Cade Skywalker) However, the time after Return of the Jedi to the end of the Yuuzan Vong War was covered by the previous two Pen and Paper RPG's and not represneted. No Kyle Kataran, Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Jaden Korr, Thrawn, etc. Also the Exar Kun War was covered by the West End Games version. So, no Nomi Sunrider, Master Thonn, Exar Kun, Ulic Qel Dorma, and so on.

  7. I always figured that Bao-Dur would be in KOTOR 3 if it was ever produced and would tie KOTOR 2 and 3 together like Canderous, HK-47, & T3-M4 did for KOTOR 1 and 2

  8. Huh, those are pretty similar, exact in fact. Like I said, never seen a Bronze saber before, I was just considering that the color bronze is orange-ish, and must be similar. But now I see how similar they actually are in Kotor, at any rate.

    That is why I use New Lightsaber Color Crystals mod by Eagleracer38x. It actually makes bronze and orange different.


    Without a mod, the bronze crystal is just orange. Heck, it even says unused for the bronze crystal with the KSE editor.


    The funny thing would be if Orange was chosen for Kaah, to make Kaah's saber the second orange(bronze). Without the the mod, Kaah's saber is orange. With the mod, it is bronze.

  9. No. Taris. When Zayne fled from the Padawan Massacre and humilated the Jedi, the Jedi pulled out from Taris and that showed an opening for the Mandolorians to attack. Taris with the Rakghouls was the first Republic planet attacked.


    First planet attacked by the Mandos was also the first planet that Revan touched down upon to choose his/her new path and bring an end to the Jedi Civil War. The last planet to suffer during the Mandolorian Wars was the planet that ended the Dark War:Malachor