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Everything posted by HK-777

  1. For some reason I was able to reprogram the HK-51's in one game and not another... Forgot exactly what I did right the 1rst time to make it happen, something about activating the HK-51's from a console somewhere that I must have skipped the 2nd time. It's a pity you can't take this earlier in the game. Equipment you find in here for HK make him actually worth putting in your party. (Don't know if it's random but I found 2-3 items that made him tear through the enemy droids and HKs) As it is, this is the last time you get to use him at all. Also wondering if Bao-Dur was supposed to be down here with him? I read somewhere he was intended to be and that he dies while on this mission(reason for remote & his holo-recordings during Malachor part).
  2. Can't go back to before entering the palace, unfortunately. I got into the habit of quick-saving too much. Previous save to that is before Vaklu even calls you up to come back and help take down Talia & before the alt. party excursion on Dxun/Freedon Nadd's tomb. Think I was doing Dantooine as I saved Vrook for nearly last cause I wanted to stomp him into the dirt rather than run away from him using cheap tricks to win. I pretty much took the planets in reverse to what you would normally do.
  3. I had this happening at some point while still playing 1.5 - don't know if it will happen again but at any rate, I remember it only happened briefly around the time I got Mical (disciple). I remember when first talking to him in the medbay on Ebon Hawk he had normal healhty looking skin and blonde hair and his alignment was still very light (even though I know his influence was probably just short of the point he will let you train him and I had DS mastery at this point because while still in party on way back from the enclave he appeared dark in the char. stats screen of the menu). I said something that must have made the game update him to what he should look like and suddenly he had ashen skin and grey hair and yellow eyes and he was dark in the char. screen as well.
  4. Trying to kill Kavar on Onderon as darksider. I take his health down to nothing and he says something, I reply with "I will beat you with your own tricks" or something like that. Fighting resumes and I again take down his health. The above dialogue repeats again and again every time I take his health down... I don't know for sure what is causing this, might be cause I saved during the fight and reloaded. I was getting back to this character after working up a lightsider. I had upgraded to 1.6a during this time from 1.5 and the separate patch. Any advice?