Kensei Jintaro

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About Kensei Jintaro

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  1. I have to put this on hold until the end of March unfortunately, but I think I have it figured out, although exporting the dummy transforms as bones failed, i think I can set up a control rig with some IK's to drive the things regardless.
  2. I wanna do this for K2, not interested in K1 really. For training dummy I mean something I can spam attacks to check if the animations fire off properly, instead of spawning enemies and managing combat. Basically an enemy that doesn't attack and has 1000000000000000 hp or something. As for the animations, yeah I've checked out the extra things and have found the animation range I'm looking for, although exporting a readable fbx with bones and the animation range so far hasn't yielded a result for me. At least following Parametric's advice and asking Max to convert dummies to bones hasn't resulted in a bone hierarchy for me. Hopefully I'll find a way to export an fbx with a rigged model, with the animations to boot. So far I've had no luck tho, only empty transforms.
  3. Aight I've finally gotten my hands on the model, but I need a bit of info about how the override works in K2, mainly for iterating. At import, the character comes in with 16600 keyframes, with the entire set of animations on one track. I'm gonna assume that K2 can't recognize different tracks and simply has hardcoded frame pointers for each animation to fire off. So, here's the question, am I limited to frames available in the original animation, or can I exceed that limit and somehow overwrite the original frame pointers, maybe in a .2da (it's my understanding is that it's just a 2d array)? Also, when exporting, I suspect I have to export the entire model with all of it's animations, can't simply export the model + the ones I want. Correct me if I'm wrong. Once exported, do I place the .mdl in the override folder or do I have to patch it into the .bif for it to be recognized by the engine? Is there a "training dummy" object I can spawn in K2 in order to test the anims?
  4. So if I want to replace the Flurry, Power and Crit melee attacks, if I do it in s_male02 it will be propagated to male01? I was under the impression that male1 is the supermodel and everything else inherited from it in terms of animation, didn't expect the dependencies to run both ways, usually it's a hierarchy. Unfortunately I don't poses, or work with Max, since when I first used it I found the animation workflow pretty rigid. I'm currently ditching Maya for Blender 2.8, so I figured this is a good opportunity to compare the 2 tool sets. Do you by any chance have a rigged supermodel fbx? I'll get the trial Max version and try to take out the model into an fbx anyway, but from what I've seen so far, each animation is regarded as it's own scene, rather than just a keyframe clip. If I edit an animation, do I have to export it as it's own "object" then? Edit: Also, I have used MDLEdit, I needed Kotor Tool to extract the .bif files, I haven't found any other way to get these files unpacked. I've tried Noesis and Xoreos tools but I haven't managed to get them to recognize anything.
  5. So I've been playing around with some of the tools available, and have so far managed to rip out a model using Kotor Tool and then using MDLEdit I saved it as an ascii file. I then imported it to Blender 2.79, with the intention to export it as an fbx and then work on it in Maya. I haven't yet figured out how to do that from Blender, since unlike the 2.8 release the UI is absolute garbage, but from what I've seen so far there's no skeleton rig involved at all in the exported files. There's a ton of transforms, and I've ripped out both the male Supermodel and male2, which strangely have different sets of animations. Has anyone managed to rip out a rigged model? And if not, assuming you re-rigged the model yourself, does the game accept rigged models or does it only run using vertex animation? Or is it the transforms that drive the characters ingame?