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About randon_b

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Sorry mate, it's bugged. It always uses the Exile's repair skill no matter who uses the workbench. The only exception is when you have Mira, party of 1 at a certain point in the story. She gains access to a workbench. You can have her break down dozens of items at that point and have enough components to assemble lots of end-game items later. Note the return on components you get from breaking down items caps at Repair skill 20. I'm not sure if http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/ is kotorfiles, but searching there I found no such fix. Just a few mods to add more items you can make at the workbench (armor, lightsabers, etc.). I do consider this to be a bug, given that you can use party members to craft items and it does use their skill level, not the Exile's. It sucks because you have to blow a feat and take Repair as a class skill usually. Only one starting class gets it naturally; I forget which one. Sentinel?
  2. I have been looking for something like this as well. I'm pretty sure the problem is actually a bug. I had hopes it would actually be in the TSLRCM, but I don't see it in the notes.