The RPGenius

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About The RPGenius

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Thanks for the advice, 13ack.Stab. I did install them in that order, yes, so that shouldn't be the problem. I turned the Catalyst AI off, but the problem persists. I don't know about CrossfireX--I'm not sure I have that feature, or if I do, I don't know where to find it--the only ATI control center I can seem to locate is the Catalyst Control Center, which doesn't seem to have any options for CrossfireX. I guess at this point the only thing left is to try another fresh installation of everything. I'm worried, though, since this problem has occurred in 2 separate installations the same that common, or do I probably have a bad disc? EDIT: Oh, here's something about the situation that seems odd and possibly significant: you know how I said that the game's check for minimum system requirements gives me a red light fail signal for the Video field (which, again, was yellow before the mod's installation)? It says, [Null] 2048MB Your current video card drivers are out of date NVidea cards require Detonator 45.23 Drivers or better Now if I've got an ATI Radeon HD3800 video card, why would it mention NVidea? And again, I just updated the driver for my video card days ago to try to fix this problem, so it ain't that. Is the game or mod automatically trying to read a card that's not there instead of the one that is, or something?
  2. Hi. I'm having some trouble with running KotOR2 with this mod, and honestly, I'm not exactly sure what the situation is. I THINK it's related to the mod, but I can't be sure. My computer's specs that I suspect could be relevant are: Windows Vista, 32-Bit Operating System Intel Core2 Duo CPU ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series Now, there are a couple problems that I think may be related. The first is the black screen problem people have mentioned--sometimes the game will load and everything will be black. That's fixed easily enough with Alt Tab, so it's no big deal. The next problem is that half the time when I start the game, it doesn't start, instead doing a typical Windows program crash. Since I can just try again until it works, this is something I can live with. The main, really annoying problem, though, is that very often I will be unable to load a Save file, and occasionally be unable to load the next part of the game when I transition from one section to another. What happens is that part of the way through the loading screen, the bar stops, and just stays there, unmoving. The computer's totally frozen; I can't close the program, can't Alt Tab away, can't even Control Alt Delete out of it. I have to reboot the whole computer. And it happens all the time. Now, I've tried to diagnose the problem with my limited understanding, and I think the Video Card is the issue. When I go into the Configure option in the Loader, and check the system, my system's video card fails. The thing of this is, though, that when I install the game fresh and don't add this mod to it, my system passes the Video Card check adequately, with a Yellow dot instead of a Red one. So it seems to me that there must be something the mod changes that makes my card incompatible--and its driver IS up to date; I made sure of that when I started investigating the problem, and it continued. I've also done a fresh install of everything to ensure that it wasn't just a bad original installation, but there was no change--and the game's discs are literally brand new; I re-purchased the game this past week, new and still shrink-wrapped, in anticipation of playing it with this mod (an old, former friend possesses my first copy of it). Anyone have any ideas about this? I mean, my video card and its driver were capable of handling Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3, so I really haven't any idea why it wouldn't pass an older game's standards. EDIT: Something I should have mentioned--I've tried running the game in both resolutions, the different visual quality levels, and without movies, with nothing helping. I mean, maybe the problem ISN'T with the video card, but I don't know what else it could be--I haven't got any other mods or anything, just the game, the official patch, and TSLRCM 1.7. Also, kind of unrelated, but I know the mod that gives female Exiles the choice to bring the Handmaiden along is incompatible with this mod, and I hope someone can fix that in the future, but I was wondering if it might be possible to manually get around this, and if so, if someone would have an idea about which files to do so with. I mean, the main reason that it's incompatible, from what I understand, is that TSLRCM overrides the Handmaiden Choice mod's change to Disciple's mandatory dialogue so that, as the game originally intended, you HAVE to have Disciple join you. Would it be possible to go through the game with both mods installed until Dantooine, then, before meeting Disciple, to go into the game's folders and temporarily remove the TSLRCM file that modifies Disciple, leaving the Handmaiden Choice mod control over it? Then you could have the conversation with Disciple, not get him according to the Handmaiden Choice mod's influence, save the game, and put the TSLRCM file back into its proper place and continue on. Is this possible? I mean, no offense to Disciple, but frankly, the Handmaiden is a far, far more interesting character with stronger depth and personality, and I really do want to see your great mod as a female Exile (as I think is canon, yes?) but also to see all the neat stuff that's been restored concerning Handmaiden. Or am I just an idiot who understands nothing about this process? Certainly possible! Sorry for the long post. Hope I haven't made too much of a fool of myself.