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About Megamence123

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. Thank you so much, that was exactly what I needed. EDIT: All right, so I was able to tinker around with the files and create some new feat chains. Unfortunately, they don't work. Can anyone point me towards the files I need to tinker with beyond feats.2da in order to activate them? I was trying to copy the Force Focus line automatically given to JMA/SLD, and nothing was happening under the hood, so to speak. The feats exist, they're just useless. What script contains feats and effects?
  2. This is my first post, so I apologize if it's in the wrong forum. I am interested in creating a mod that improves the Jedi Master class, which will carry on the Feat, Powers, and Saving Throws progressions from the Consular class. I also wanted to create a new free feat chain that improves DC of cast powers, among other potential boosts such as permanently activated Inspire Followers or Crush Opposition powers. The goal isn't to make Jedi Master overpowered, I just want improvements to my favorite class. I am also interested in creating a mod that also adds a second chain to Dueling feats, in the same vein as Superior Two Weapon Fighting, which will improve the stats of my favorite styles of builds. So my question is, can someone point me towards tutorials that can help me with my changes? I have no idea what I'm doing and cannot find any tutorials relevant to my interests here. I would very much like to learn how to make these changes myself.