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Blog Entries posted by Doctor

  1. Doctor
    First off I would like to say that this is just a rambling, feel free to stop reading here if you wish.
    After taking the dogs for their walk so they could... well have a crap, I returned home where I set upon preparing their grub.
    I got the bag of dry biscuits and hurled a cup full in each of their bowls and then I took two tins of meat for them. I looked at the labels, apparently the food they were about to eat was 'Tender Roast Duck with Peas, Carrots and Rice' now to me this sounded really nice and got me a bit peckish, so much so I hollered over to the current Mrs Doctor/Stream I said 'Mrs Doctor! put you a round of bread in that there toaster and hunt out the homemade Strawberry Jam!'
    Now the reason I had to request homemade Strawberry Jam on Toast was due to the fact that we, like most normal households, had absolutely no peas, carrots or rice and only a limited supply of tender roast duck therefore making the above meal that the mutts were about to enjoy impossible for me to have, with the exception of opening a third tin but even I do have some limits.
    Anyway, I opened the tins of meat and emptied the contents into their bowls and then it hit me, the stuff absolutely reeked!
    So the point of this blog, if it really has one which I highly doubt, is how the hell can something that sounds so damn delicious smell so god damn bad? What the heck do Pedigree Chum do to it to make it smell worse than a farm?
    If anyone here happens to work for a pet food firm please, please tell me what happens here.