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About Doctor

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    Jedi Knight
  • Birthday 07/04/1983

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  1. Isn't it funny when you start an argumet between your best mate and his girl (although not intentionally) and the get to watch them bickering for hours.

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    2. Doctor


      and she doesn't want to do a test yet as she's scared it will come back negative. Anyway he asked me to ask her to do one.


      So there we were Saturday night and he said Matt ask her - I replied ask her what.


      He said what we were talking about the other day, about peeing.


      Now I forget the recent conversation about a test but do remember the one months ago.

    3. Doctor


      So I turn to her and casual say Tanita can Joni piss in your mouth.


      Well he bursts out laughing, she starts shouting at me telling me I'm disgusting and after her smacking me a few times Joni manages to say that he meant doing a test.


      So I then ask her to piss on a stick and that's when the arguing started.



    4. Doctor


      She was furious that he told me because she wanted to tell me so they argued for hours after that with me laughing and being told by both of them to shut up.