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Posts posted by goedmonton

  1. 22 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    Not really, other than that most actual conversations are in module-specific DLG files, not the TLK, in terms of the actual structure of a conversation (only the text strings are in the TLK). For that you'd be better off with DLGEditor - http://www.starwarsknights.com/mtools/dlgeditor_232.zip

    You'll still want the converted TLK if you plan on copying and pasting lines to a guide, but they are not stored in any human-friendly order, so you'll need the DLGEditor in order to have a logical way to peruse the branches of specific conversations.


    starwarsknights sit wont open so i downloaded a dlg editor here

    is that the same?


  2. 7 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    It's a collection of commandline tools. Assuming you are on Windows, you'll need to run it from a command prompt, AKA a DOS box. Running each tool without arguments will display their built-in help.

    BioWare TLK to XML converter
    Usage: tlk2xml [<options>] <input file> [<output file>]
      -h      --help              This help text
              --version           Display version information
              --cp1250            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1250
              --cp1251            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1251
              --cp1252            Read TLK strings as Windows CP-1252
              --cp932             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-932
              --cp936             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-936
              --cp949             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-949
              --cp950             Read TLK strings as Windows CP-950
              --utf8              Read TLK strings as UTF-8
              --utf16le           Read TLK strings as little-endian UTF-16
              --utf16be           Read TLK strings as big-endian UTF-16
              --nwn               Use Neverwinter Nights encodings
              --nwn2              Use Neverwinter Nights 2 encodings
              --kotor             Use Knights of the Old Republic encodings
              --kotor2            Use Knights of the Old Republic II encodings
              --jade              Use Jade Empire encodings
              --witcher           Use The Witcher encodings
              --dragonage         Use Dragon Age encodings
              --dragonage2        Use Dragon Age II encodings
    If no output file is given, the output is written to stdout.
    There is no way to autodetect the encoding of strings in TLK files,
    so an encoding must be specified. Alternatively, the game this TLK
    is from can be given, and an appropriate encoding according to that
    game and the language ID found in the TLK is used.

    To make your life easier, just download this batch file and drop it into the same folder as the tool and TLK. Double click it and follow the instructions.


    Thanks DarthParametric

    got any other tips or recommendations to creating a dialogue/conversation guide