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Posts posted by lumber

  1. Mira for her skillz, particularly demolitions so I can collect all those beautiful deadly mines. I use her as a dual pistol ranger.


    Handmaiden as the tank and melee attacker.



    I do Nar Shadda first, and at that time Visas is too weak. So as much as I'd love to bring her for her force powers, she falls like a leaf early in game.




    T3 for his skillz instead of Mira.

    Hanharr/Mandalore instead of Handmaiden.

  2. FIXED. I was using a Visas dance outfit mod. Works fine outta the ship. Animation is messed up in the ship because visas is always sitting down and getting up, and apparently there's a script involved that disagrees with the visas in dance outfit mod. TSLRCM actually had nothing to do with this, it crashed when she stood up when I didn't have TSLRCM installed. Doin mah litesabor training at this moment :) Getting my butt kicked though, went Jedi watchman and put too much into charisma and force powers. Handmaiden and Visas can mutilate me in these circumstances xD



    - What planet are you on?

    Ebon Hawk.


    - Conversations you had and/or what mission did you did before encountering the problem

    Maxed out influence with Kreia using KSE. Also talked to her for the EXP, did the force listen convo and etc.

    Used KSE to get two lightsabers.

    Never talked to Visas on the ship since she was recruited.


    - What is the problem?

    "Spar Practice" restoration, sparring with Visas with lightsabers crashes. Specifically when we moved to Visas's room and Kriea beetches about how Visas needs to earn her right on the ship by mauling me with a saber.


    Two mods may be interfering- Skip Telos (I skipped both parts) or that NarShadda docks restoration with mercs.

    I also played with Globals because mod conflicts stopped me from finishing Nar Shadda. Globals still aren't right.

    May be relevant that my Ebon Hawk cutsceens between characters ended abruptly without notice of attribute permanent bonuses. Again, due to me playing with globals to fix mod conflicts.


    Alotta this may be my fault, but I'll report it anyways. And try to fix it myself, cause me messing with globals and blending similar mods can't be good.

  3. It's hard to criticize cause I can't do much graphic work. But they do look a bit surreal, little plastic as a few said. But its hard to tell for sure without seeing them ingame.


    Overall, I really like them. Not many people put real effort into reskinning entire maps cause it's just too hard and time consuming for most of us :P ;)

  4. 1.) Skip Peragus using the mod (Too time consuming. I'll do it every now and then to get the full experience when I get a new set of mods into my personal stash of goodies that is overide. But I'll trash the lightsaber it gives me, less fun.)

    2.) Telos (with as many quests as possible before going to the surface.)

    3.) Nar Shaddar (To get Mira. Also get Visas about halfway through.)

    4.) Dantoine (For the sake of doing it? I dunno.)

    5.) Onderon/Dxun (I hold out on this for later so I can buy out the stores for their unique stuff and make sure I have the credits/gear to get every drop of stuff from the planet as you can't return which annoys me cause it's nice.)

    6.) Korriban (No characters to be gained here, just some higher-level equips and exp.)

  5. I've always used filefront cause it was the only site that hosted mods. Now you guys are here, and have much more complete, useful releases. Half the files on kotor filefront were medieval weapons, "make the already too easy game even easier" mods, or bad skins.


    Taris Emporium is good too, but it's not as mod friendly and many mods are outdated or dead projects.

  6. You guys are one of the last groups of kotor modders out there still active, I love the content here.


    Soon, I'll start developing mods as well. I'll be focusing on general finishing touches and gameplay enhancements in the short run. I'll also be looking into the possibility of adding new NPCs and objects to the Ebon Hawk (Not sure if it's been done yet?).


    Also, I have a question. Is there any group working on a "official fan-made patch" that includes multiple mods and added content?