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About reliken

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Nosir, keeping the 51s online HAS to be the LS ending... If you shut down the whole factory, HK gets beaten by Goto, the remote loses and Malachor stays intact. That is pretty DS!
  2. Aha. I powered them up before downloading the core, that must be the main problem I was having. I understand. Thanks for the clarification! But I thought there was supposed to be a THIRD conclusion to the droid factory, where HK gets the 50s to team up with him, and uses them to fight the 51s? Or is that not true?
  3. I had a problem with doing this - when I tried to upoad HK-47's programming to the HK-51 platform, the console just kept telling me it had errors and wouldn't work. i was forced to kill all the HKs =/ is that because i reactivated the HK-50s before trying to upload HK-47's programming? I also didn't seem to have the option to upload HK-47's programming into the HK-50s. Or maybe I did and I am mistaken? Last question: When I downloaded the HK-50 program to HK-47, he "became" an HK-50 and was all "I have no personality," blah blah blah etcetera. ... Later on, he is just magically HK-47 again? Can someone explain this to me? I don't really understand how he gets the HK-50 programming "out." Or is that a glitch/deleted content issue, and there was supposed to be a provided explanation?