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About needmods

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. So should I be loading up to before I board the ebon hawk? I have a save right before I fight the first of the red eclipse. However, I dont think I have one from before the red eclipse takes over my ship.. edit - nevermind, loaded up my save before ebon hawk and talked to kreia, cutscene playing now.
  2. 4 disk version, 1.0b, RCM 1.7 and 1.7fix on Nar Shaddaa, just received the message that I have been at someone else's spot for too long and I should check on my ship, saw the cut scene of the guys going on board, went onto ship and did my business. After this the sith cut scene comes up and when it finishes the screen goes black with cursor, cant do anything besides alt f4 out. Tried killing them all, allying them, selling thief into slavery, letting him go. Any advice? I've read through this entire topic and tried any fixes I could find. Windows 7, running compatibility mode XP service pack 3, also tried 2. Game ran perfectly fine up to here. Slight update: It appears that after the cutscene it starts to load up inside the ebon hawk before going full blackscreen. I can also access menu's for about 5 seconds after the end of the cutscene