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    Jedi Initiate
  1. i agree with you on that..they sound like assholes how hard is it to actavite cheats and type in warp 901mal.. its just a minor with it.
  2. i think a general....BUG FAQ is in seems every question so far is the same few problems. (text going buy to fast,Malacore load screw up,USM And Mod Complaitly bs..)
  3. yeah figured as i did finish it LOL...thanks
  4. ok stupid question. with out useing the cheat menu how do i warp to 901MAL?(there is a cheat armband on kotorfiles that allows warping but im uneasy abotu adding stuff like that in to my game...
  5. so what if i edit my save and have it load at the right spot? will that fix it?