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About TPCisLife

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Hi there , I'm currently trying to add and delete files from a .bif file ( templates.bif for example , has g_a_clothes04.uti in it , I want to replace it by a modded .uti ) . I found WinBiff and it might even be able to do the job, but I can't use KOTOR's chitin.key with it , it's crashing every time. Does WinBiff work on Win7 with KOTOR? Or are there any other programs/utils that can add/delete items from a .bif ? Thanks in advance
  2. Wow , thanks a lot for the fast reply , exactly what I was looking for !
  3. Hi there , I need to know how I can convert a TGA to a TPC file (normally people want a TPC to TGA converter but I need the opposite) . Thanks in advance