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Posts posted by Acleacius

  1. I seemed to have found a solution to this problem and it seems it will work with any mods, under two minor conditions, at least until there is a Compatibility patch for this and Restoration Content. ;)


    As long as you don't mind using KotOR Save Editor four times during the course of your game and you don't mind seeing a Male for the first cutscene or two. Specifically during the tutorial while your controlling T3 as you lay in the Med Bay injured and the initial Kolto tank scene. I was able to Quicksave fast enough, just before the Kolto scene. Then change the skin to Female with KSE and reload to see a female in the tank, but not everyone would want to worry about this scene.


    Here's what you need to do, first start your game as the male version of your class (not sure the same class is necessary, was a safety precaution on my part). Then once you get control of your PC, save and load KSE. What you want to do is edit the Appearance Skin to Female of your choice. Even though TSL doesn't use a PC Soundset still set mine to Common Female, which gave me a few Female Battle Cries. Then set your Global Boolean Gender (already uninstalled I can't check it atm) to Female. Then there is a setting (ugg, forgot the name) that applies Gender Checks Universally, then load your Savegame and you should be female. Both Boolean settings are at the top of the list once you click to open the Boolean list.


    Any custom Female skins work just remember to choose the correct skin in KSE or the correct Default Female PC your skin installed to, e.g. P_FEM_C_SML_01.


    The three other times you need to use KSE is to change the Gender back to Male and the two Global Boolean settings Back to the Male for one small level each. You will NEVER need to change the skin, back to Male.


    First SAVE your game while you are still OUTSIDE on the Plateau before you enter the Secret Academy, Secondly while OUTSIDE the Jedi Ruins before meeting Disciple and Thirdly again at Dantooine before you enter the Ruins to Meet the Masters.


    There are some bonuses to using this method, for one thing you get all the movies to play correctly. E.g. you see Atris telling Handmaiden to go, then telling the Sisters she doesn't know why Handmaiden left and several more instances.


    Good luck. :clap:

    • Like 1

  2. The USM compat patch says nothing about installing 1.7 after. I do notice that the usm patch is for rcm 1.6. I'm still at the beginning so I'll give it a try and see if the dates are alright.

    Correct, I was just trying to tell you about the load order of USM, as I read recently read from the instructions myself. The fix goes last as I found out in the 1.7 release thread or this one, when I asked. Just thought I would save you having to read through all the threads.


    Remember USM Compatibility patch will break your game at Malachor, as I just found out. The fix is to use/enable Cheats in your swkotor2.ini then use the code below when you get to the *Black Screen* when you first land on Malachor. This will hopefully save you the frustration, I encountered becasue I didn't know. I finally just completed the game with RCM ( :cheers: excellent work on the RCM :StandingOvation: ) after on this 4th attempt!


    warp 901MAL

  3. Machiavelli your load order is wrong, you have to install USM before tne 1.7 fix. Look at the USM Patch instructions it's very specific on how it needs to be installed. Once you finish your USM Compatibility patch then copy over 1.7 fix.



    HELP, I have black screen at Malacore again 4th time my game has broken, please help me fix it. :D

    I listed all my mods here.

    Do I remember hearing it's an issue with USM, something about 900+ something file needs to be deleted?


    The Ebon Hawk comes out of lightspeed at Malacore, the cutscene of the planet seen for the first time in game. Then loads a level, where Kreia is walking across the bridge as assassins appear behind her. As She starts talking to Sion, the line where she says "he didn't learn the lesson he is as insignificant as the power of her hand", it goes black. Then cuts to the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk crashing on the surface. Then back to Kreia talking about there is much to plan, with a black screen. Then control turns over to the player with a black screen and mouse cursor visible.


    The game is not locked up, you can save the game, then load and you are in the level with Kreia and Sion is still being held up in the air choking.



    Thanks for any help.

  4. Anyone else experiencing this extremely annoying bug, when ever you level load or zone a level even if it's a scripted level load your companions currently in the group lose their Lightside Bonus?


    It doesn't matter who the companions are if they are in you current group and have an influence of 100, if you load a save game or zone in anyway, they drop to 99 Influence.Worst part about this bug is there is no way to reactivate the 100 Influence Bonus with a code or KSE. You can set it to 100 but it won't add the bonus again till you earn it, problem is you have to constantly keep earning it, every time you zone.


    Any suggestions?



    Thanks for any help.

  5. Thanks for all the hard work, RCM team. :standing ovation:


    In regards to using Get You Lightsaber back from Atris, I disagree it's unnecessary. I'm not using it this game for the fear of breaking RCM, atm. I really like the idea of getting it back at the first meeting, at least if your on the Lightside (can't speak for Dark, never played it). Atris knows your being chased by the Sith, she is asking for your help to gather the Jedi Masters on Dantooine and giving you your ship back. Not to mention her obvious nefarious intentions/reasons, she wants you back in the galaxy. You are technically working for her and would serve her better with a lightsaber.


    I would really like to use this mod in the future if the mod is a TSLPatcher isn't it just adding content to a scene the RCM team isn't even using? Even if RCM does give it back at end game (honestly not sure how that works) speaking from a Lightside point of view, afaik we don't even get Atris's Lightsaber. Unless there is a scene the Lightsider gets their Lightsaber back for helping Redeem Atris, then that would be pretty cool restoration. :cheers from the crowd:


    However if it's the normal scene (trying to avoid spoilers as others atm) where the only way to get Atris's Lightsaber is the same way you get yours back, then that doesn't help Lightsiders at all.


    Does anyone know specifically what in *Get Your Lightsaber Back* causes as an issue?


    Additionally I have since heard it was much much more likely the Handmaiden's Sister fix broke my game, not the Handmaiden Undies for Females. I would appreciate any comments or tips on this as I would much prefer using Handmaiden Undies for Females?



    Thanks for any help. :imagine a normal smile here: ....... not the hideously evil darkside current smile! ;)

  6. Cause for your current issue IIRC

    Damn' date=' is there a compatible nice looking underwear for the female PC and crew or is there a known work around? :(

    I could manually set the PC underwear with Kotor Tool, if the mod has too much editing.


    This doesn't crash the Visas Introduction scene?

    Never had a problem with Visas crashing or breaking anywhere, iirc. Since your warning I'll not install it on this reinstall, don't want to take a chance. It's a TSLPatcher so I never suspected it would cause a problem.



    Thanks for your help.

  7. @ Acleacius: Other mods? Achilles Rebalance for example?

    Yes' date=' thought it was compatible if I only used the Autobalance.2da. Tried to remove the Autobalance.2da but it made no difference.


    I also see from an above post USM Compatibility is an issue, as the black screen at Malacore stuck was how my last game broke. I had thought it was something from the Handmaiden for Female PC, so I stopped using it for this play through.


    Would I need to start another game without Achilles Rebalance and USM?


    Here's my current list and load order...

    Full Item Creation

    Kreia's Mechanical Hand

    Restored Content 1.7

    USM Compatibility

    Restored Content 1.7 fix

    Bao Dur Shader fix

    Better Male Bodies

    Ebon Hawk history

    Enhanced Merchants TSL

    Fixed Mandalorian Banners

    Handmaiden Style Undies For Female PC's

    TSL Imperial Officer Mod

    TSL Insane Dustil Restoration

    Invisible Headgear for TSL

    Ultimate Sound Mod

    Kill The Ithorian

    Kreia's Eyes Reskin

    Kreia Green Fix

    Kreia Hoodless

    Lightsaber Parts Icon Fix

    Movie-Style Retextures

    Remote Is Lab Station and Workbench with Remote Tells Influence compatibility

    Sith Assassins - With Lightsabers

    svösh Force Gloves, Light of the Force, Sure Shot and Hk 47 Bullet Hole Skin for TSL

    Achilles's Game Balance

    Achille's Mira's Makeover

    Achilles' Peragus Mining Shield Fix

    Total Weapons Overhaul

    Workbench Crystal Attunement

    PC Wrist Launcher and No More G0-T0 Removed the No More G0T0 "g0t0.dlg" for RCM compatibility.


    Below are all TSLPatcher mods


    Athena Too PC head

    Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes

    Bao-Dur's Charged Armor

    Bastilla Shan Mature Look

    Darth Nihilus Animation Fix

    Droid Enhancement

    Remove Force Power Restrictions by Armors

    Get Your Lightsaber Back From Atris

    VP Handmaiden Sister fix


    Stoffe Improved AI

    Movement Animation Fix


    The Sith Lords: Full Force Mod Pack 1

    Trailer Force Crush sound

    Trayus Academy Rank Reformation Mod 1.2

    Coruscant Jedi Temple

    Realistic Visual Effects


    Require jrl merger

    Tomb of Azgath N'Dul 2.2


    Texture and Sound

    Red Head Blue Eye Female PC

    Visas Head change to Bastila

    TSL Music Improvement and Ambiance Improvement Mod

    Visual Enhancement 2011

    Blue Interface in TSL

    Coruscant High Resolution Textures

    Ebon Hawk HD textures

    Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox




    Thanks for any help. :hate the new smile:



    I realize it's most likely all the mods I'm trying to use and probably have to reinstall/restart. I don't blamed RCM, in fact really looking forward to completing it. This is my 4th attempt which broke near end game, so if there is a way to hack by this so I don't have to spend another 30 hours replaying to this point, I would really appreciate it. ;)

  8. At the end game Handmaiden sister fight, can't seem to get it to work correctly. It's my understanding should be able to stun them all at the same time then drop combat or I should be able to get them down 50% health to stun them. Can someone please explain or link me to the instructions on exactly how this fight needs to be done to subdue them?


    Even killed them all and nothing happened. They are Red once I gain control of Handmaiden but don't attack unless I attack them or try to stun them.



    Thanks for any help.

  9. Does anyone else have a problem with Administrator Adare on Dantoonie? When fighting for Koonda, after the battle is complete and speaking to her, I can't choose #2

    Happy to Help
    without the game crashing. I was forced to choose #1
    I'm the only Jedi......


    Secondly, if you leave the Enclave for supplies or another quest, before talking to Disciple he vanishes to Koonda and will not speak to you. You guys should really consider fixing this bug from the original game.


    Thirdly wouldn't it be possible to actually tell Keevee (padiwan in the Enclave) the farmer could use her help?




  10. Forget me then, I tought it did :D


    Eh, I'd like to give a spin to this Mara Jade mod of your's. Where could I get that?

    Basically I'm made a hodgepodge of mods and hacked it, since I like redheads. :P


    It's more of a hack, but I will send it as long as I am not breaking any rules. Here's what I did, the original Mara Jade (currently for kotor only atm, I just used on my kotor game). From trying to install it in TSL (causes a crash at creation), found it was the mdl/mdx which apparently is not compatible between kotor and TSL. So I took a mdl/mdx from Slender Body for Females (the red head I used in my last TSL game 4 years ago) to use with the Mara Jade skin in TSL. Then I made a new Lightside Portrait with Handmaiden Underware (since I really don't like the body skin underware on Mara Jade) as her outfit. Then GeorgNihilus (modder at Lucas Arts Kotor forum) offered to make some blue eyes for her when I asked. Since I only play Lightside I didn't try updating the Darkside Portraits and skins. So if none of this breaks rules I will send it or post it somewhere for you to download.



    Hassat Hunter's right, all you need is Kotor Savegame Editor, thought this would be the easiest solution. This way you really don't need to worry about compatibility, well afaik. I'm going to play all the way through with the Gender setting as Male, though I'm tempted to try a game with Gender set to Both, since there are some funny lines you miss as your playing Male. One instance, Atton's line about a personal fantasy to be integrated by a woman in her underwear, might be possible to get if you set Gender to Both, but could break something like the Masters meeting on Dantooine.


    This should pretty much solve the issue of compatibility for fans of Handmaiden and Female PCs. :cheer: ;)


    Here's a close up of her in Creation.

  11. MrPhil interesting you mention Soundset, never get any sound from my PC in TSL (always do in Kotor) when popping locks and such. Didn't even realize it could be set. Checking KSE there isn't a Soundset when starting as a Female or Male, not aware of any mod that would prevent it. Guessing Commoner Female is the default for PC, don't have KotOR installed to check one of those Save Games.


    Here's my modified for TSL Mara Jade PC skin being used on the P_MAL_C_SML_01, changed to P_FEM_C_SML_01.


    It's actually not bad having them call my "He" since I'm a male, plus a huge bonus is you don't have to put up with the males hitting on your Female PC. ;)


    I can't think of a reason in the world this won't work, even ran it by Stoffe trying to ask for tips in getting Handmaiden for Female PC to work with RCM. This is my third attempt, with about 60+ hours of trying to get a Female PC with Handmaiden and RCM to End Game.

  12. Would it be possible to start as a male, then use the female skin and portrait of your choice (via KSE) to get Handmaiden and not break RCM content?


    Since there is no voice for the PC (iirc), the only side effect I can think of would be the NPCs would refer to the PC as him. I guess it's possible to set Gender to Both in KSE also but not sure if that would effect or break RCM content.



    Thanks for any help. ;)



    BTW That's a scary new smile ion.

  13. Oddly I made it past the Dantooine/Academy area. Before zoning back to the ship after the Dantooine Masters meeting, was able to use KSE to change Gender to Both and then set the Boolian Global Gender to 1. Then just as the level loading screen finished at the Academy, Quick Saved before the Handmaiden walking up to her sisters cutscene.


    Then when the Handmaiden fight breaks, you can just load your Quick Save run up to Atris and Kreia, click on Kreia to start the cutscene, since your inside the door doesn't close. Click on Atris to continue to your fight.


    Sadly this only let me make it to Malacore where it seem to break beyond repair/hack. After the crash the screen was black, but able to access menu, Save and Reload. Found myself locked in the end level with Kreia and Scion hovering in air choking.


    Kreia seem to only say we need to stand together at Dantooine before she had anything else to say. She seems very powerful holding Scion with a choke hold, while sipping tea with me. :D


    Too bad the Gender Checks can't be removed, never had to actually use any of the HfFPC files except when meeting Handmaiden and Disciple, all the regular dialogs seemed to work.


    Wonder if Female PC whom is set in KSE with a Global Gender of Both or Male from the beginning of the game, could make it?

  14. Seems I've reached the point where this mod and RCM intersect and break, e.g. the point Handmaiden spawns to fight her sisters.


    I'm not really sure what should happen, could someone explain what should happen when the Handmaiden takes the Light Side path, stunning and then breaking off combat with her sisters?


    What currently happens in my game is even if you stun then break off combat or kill the sisters the door doesn't open, nor does the game switch back to the player.


    Tried several variations, e.g. just using ncs files, not dlg files from HfFPC. Nor will it work correctly without the ncs files. If played without HfFPC it stops in the EB with a black screen, though you can pull up the menus to exit normally.


    I understand it might be too much work from RCM content side to make them work together, is there a code, a script to edit, hack or any way to get past this point? Just hoping there is some work around here or in the HfFPC thread.



    Thanks for any help. :D

  15. LaughingMan008, afaik RCM doesn't change anything associated with Player skins and heads, so there really couldn't be any conflict. Additionally the mod uses the TSL Patcher which makes it much more likely to be compatible.



    You should wait till you get a more official reply, if your really concerned or just back up your Appearance.2DA, Portraits.2DA and Heads.2DA.

  16. I might be doing something wrong, but while doing a reinstall, I double checked this and USM or the RCM/USM compatibility patch use those files "global.jrl" and "globalcat.2da".


    So FYI, 1.7 fix could be breaking USM compatibility patch.

  17. As a test, can you pull up the Save game screen? If so try to save a new file, call it Test (anything), then try to load it from a restart at the main menu.


    Typically when you are experiencing video related issues it's a good idea to mention your brand (model isn't as important) ATI or Nvidia and current drivers.


    Can you still hear sounds?

  18. Feel the need to mention Blue Interface works fine, since after stating on a previous page I thought it was causing problems and crashes.


    The problem seems to be the damn movies changing the Refresh Rate (think they are forcing 60mhz) and this in turn seems to create a possible memory leak. I was able to avoid any crashes or issues by Disabling Movies at the Main Menu.


    Too bad there is no Source code yet, my guess is the Movie Player/Switcher is in the exe coding.

  19. If I'm not mistaken, the TSLRCM install would simply overwrite any files of the same name. For example (and I don't know if this filename exists) if the Handmaiden for Female PC's installs a handmaiden.dlg file, the TSLRCM would overwrite the mod's file with its own version

    Understood, since RCM was an exe file, thought it might be using the TSLpatcher.


    Thanks for your help. :)



    Oh, btw yes there is a Handmaiden.dlg and the other major dialog is Kreia.dlg.