Lord Terminus

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Everything posted by Lord Terminus

  1. So far, I'm mildly excited at the prospects of the game, but like many, I too wish there was a KOTOR III in the works. A buddy of mine is playing the beta (I'm still waiting to see if I ever get accepted... oh well.) and from what I have seen, it has a lot of interesting features that make it a little different from typical MMOs, especially in the realm of combat and the PvP battles. The design/art direction seems to bee a love it or hate it proposition for most fans, but the gameplay appears to be pretty solid. I just don't know if I want to shell out the bucks for a game that you can probably max level at in a few days to a few weeks, and then have to wait for new content, quests, etc. once you've maxed and explored a lot. I hope the delays mean that they will be adding a lot of new content before they launch, not just iron out kinks. I guess I'll give it a shot, since it looks better than many other MMOs out there from what I have seen.
  2. Forst off, kudos to the team- the added content makes for a MUCH better experience, and the mod compatibility is excellent. I did have one annoying, occasional bug- the old "black screen of nothing/death" that would not respond to the Alt/Tab solution. Only happened twice, and when I replayed the level from a previous save, it seemed to be OK. Basically, after defeating Darth Nihilus on the Ravager, the screen went black and though I could hear music, etc. no amount of trying would get me past that. I'm running the latest version on a Dell Core2 Quad with 8MB RAM, Win 7, and an ATI 5700 series card, and no mods from the unapproved list. Not sure if it's a major bug or minor glitch, but thought I'd drop it in the mix. Anyway, still love the restoration and would love to see more if you ever get new content or incorporate other mods out there.