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About Danieladius

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. So I need to get rid of the "Skip Peragus" mod then... that sucks.
  2. I have TSLRCM, Super Squall's Skip Peragus installed, the Coruscant Jedi Temple Mod, and the CJTM com-patch. When attempting to leave the Ebon Hawk after Telos Academy; it presents the "Leave Ebon Hawk" option, but never actually let's me leave. Running Windows 8 Help me please.
  3. Mmm. Those are both excellent suggestions. Thank you kindly.
  4. @DarthParametric thank you for your quick response. Basically, unless I wanna up my modding game from the fundamentals of simply editing an item's properties or editing my PC's inventory, I'm stuck with a uniform the color of... sickness ? How difficult (relatively speaking) is it to use any of those applications to do what I want, to simply change the Miner's Uniform to a color scheme similar to K1's "Republic Armor" or some such ?
  5. Unsure of where this should go, so I stuck it here. Is it possible to re... color (I guess) the Miner's Uniform in KoTOR2 using only KSE and the KoTOR Tool ? I wanna change it from that awful vomit green and rotten blue to... anything really. I noticed that KoTOR Tool has options for palette change and a few other options that would seemingly change the color of something; but when I fiddled with it regarding the Miner's Uniform, it presented an error message when I tried to add the modded/saved file via KSE. Help me please.
  6. Is it possible to have stealth run in K1 (similar to K2) via modifying the direct stealth itself, or a feat ??
  7. The extent of my modding capability is editing items. I would love to learn more, but I barely have time to play the game, lol. I personally would be fine with Guard Stance in-allowing Crit Strike/ Flurry/ Power Attack.
  8. In KSE I have discovered the "Guard Stance" feat ? Is this feat scripted, and is just cut content, or is it scrap from something else ? Either way, would it be possible to add it to KoTOR 1 as an active, selectable feat ? Would someone be willing to teach me to do it ?
  9. Is it possible for someone to reduce the cost of neutral powers to nothing, and to set the cost of all the rest light/dark to five ?