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Everything posted by DoctorDee

  1. I solved it by removing the "krecut1.dlg" file. Thanks, dogg!
  2. I don't have a "k_907mal_enter.ncs" file, but perhaps it's the same as "oldk_907_enter.ncs"?
  3. DoctorDee


    Forgot to mention it, yeah I do. And yeah, that's what I thought it could be, thx. I guess i'll just have to wait til you guys finish the new patch. Peace!
  4. DoctorDee


    Yo guys, so I've played thru the game with your fantastic mod and everything has been going smoothly, until now. Though I'm not sure this problem is caused by your mod. Anyway, I've just completed the Ravager, and I'm taking the shuttle to Citadel station and you see the Ravager blowing up. Then I talk to Carth, and after the Exile leaves the cutscene when Kreia arrives at the Trayus core plays. She walks in, kills the assassins, and confronts Sion. But then, when she "shows that Sions strength is as meaningless as the strength of her cut-off hand" the screen turns black while she talks (perhaps it's supposed to be like this). But then after she's done talking, the cutscene when the Ebon Hawk is crashlanding at Malachor plays, and I haven't even seen the cutscene when the Ebon Hawk flies towards Malachor and get struck by lightning etc. yet. Pretty awkward, ye? And then after this Malachor crash scene, the screen is still black, and you can hear Kreia say: "Because now I know why the Exile did as he did" (or something like that) And after this, I can't proceed. Screen's just black, I can press up the menu, add party members etc. but I can't do a thang other than that, so is there any way to fix this?
  5. So where can u download the patch?