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Posts posted by Pazaak

  1. Watching the live feed right now, and it's a little hard to believe. There are no casualty reports or damage reports yet, but why would you want to know those types of things anyway? At 8.9 Magnitude, this is the largest recorded (Magnitude-Wise) earthquake ever to hit Japan.


    My prayers go out to the people of Japan right now, and hopefully all of yours do as well.

  2. Being too old to teach new tricks to, I would dearly love someone to develop a TSLRCM compatible mod that would allow the Exile to kill off the Republic spy Disciple for DS points. As a male exile. Disciple is a throwaway with no plot elements.


    Disciple is a throwaway if you're male or female. Kill 'em off regardless! Eh...I long for the day the "Handmaiden Recruitable for FemExile Mod" is compatible with TSLRCM. Alas, such a day will never come, it's too huge of a change in the game, way too many variables, way too much script, way too much everything.

  3. I'm confused, what's the fixation everyone has with getting the original lightsaber back? Symbolism? Full circle? Just coolness? Cause they want a saber early?


    I never minded if she just kept the thing, I'd be getting one on the next planet anyway.

  4. It's hard to say. There are paths that allow for certain party members to be killed off. Atton vs. Sion for instance, can end with Atton dying, and Atton vs. Disciple or Handmaiden vs. Visas could result in someone dying.


    But as far as killing your party off, it's something we're leaning away from. After all, it seems a little random and convenient that you get to kill off party members so late in the game. Not to mention it's antithetical to some of the themes in the game.




    Thanks! We worked hard on that Mandalore and Visas scene, but just like anything that's super good, we may have to go back and tweak it.


    As far as the Unknown Regions go, we're not entirely sure about ending the game that way still. It's still a possibility of course, but whatever works the best is what we'll end up doing.


    I'll say it was convenient, more like terribly out of place. When I even saw the option to dispose of the party I raised a brow. Even if the Exile is dark sided, what's the point? Why would he/she kill them? For laughs? Because they no longer have any use?


    Regardless of alignment it still seemed odd, so I'm glad y'all decided to lean away from that kinda thinking.

  5. Ever heard of Exar Kun? Lad showed up more than 4 K years after death... (ghost, of course)


    But then Karpyshyn killed the ghost so...


    Huh, plum forgot about the fella 'til now. But yeah I hear you, through the force anything is possible. In fact, I'd like to think that living for thousands of years is probably a pretty easy to do considering some of other wild things that have happened through it.

  6. I'd like him to not exist. Although, this might just be bias from someone who is deathly in love with Brianna. I just wish she could be recruited on male and female playthroughs...oh well. Were that the case I might be inclined to make a female character.


    Beyond that? Yeah, I pretty much agree with all the stereotypes. He's a bland character, he's incompetent at his job, and he has some weird fixation on jedi. My loathe for him cannot be expressed in words, the ONE point I mildly enjoy his character is when he's fighting Atton over the Exile, but that's only because he's taking a rational and noble approach to a situation that surely has no happy ending.

  7. I love the first one, but I'm currently waiting until the price drops for Radient Historia on the DS. I had been considering TDU2, but now I'm not so sure.


    I was considering grabbing Radiant Historia as well, if only because it's developed by Atlus, and I love them dearly.

  8. I just investd in TDU2 today - I loved the first one and have been looking foward to playing the second.


    I have to admit I was very dissapointed in it. I played about an hour and then turned it off.


    I understand as you advance in the game you can get better cars but I found the cars I had were useless - I'd be driving along and completely random and for no reason, I'd lose control of the damn thing and crash.


    I'm not sure if I'll give it another go but how it stands right now, sooner rather than later it's getting traded in.


    Anyone else played it and found it crap or enjoyed it?


    The only good racing game I've played in quite a while is Blur. It's like Gran Turismo had a deformed bastard child with Mario Kart. Unfortunately, the studio that had developed it shut down because it sold like crap. Oh well.

  9. Also remember when Kreia is teaching you to "listen" aboard the EH she can't sense the droids there either. So for her to sense an entire droid planet and know what happened to them wouldn't make a lot of sense.


    Huh. Forgot about that, but now that you've reminded me, yeah I guess it doesn't make any sense. Doesn't she say something about the droids, though? Not that you can feel them, but something about small oscillations of energy that they give off or something? I don't remember. And I'm sure it couldn't work in the same way as sensing their future, or the fate of M4, but I still remembered that.

  10. This reminds me of something I mentioned before - way back on 6/29/2009. Good thing that I save all of my e-mails . . .




    I'm not even sure it's cut content anymore. By the way, I never did get a response on that idea. It might - what's the word I'm looking for - suck.


    Jeeze, man. You save ALL your e-mails? Well, I guess it can come in handy, in random situations like now. So is that a cut line pertaining to M4? I'm a little confused I guess, it seems like an answer to the question asked about the droids of the planet. It's a little bare bones, but it works.

  11. Interesting question Pazaak because I thought just the opposite--as a DS Exile you can Jedify Bao-Dur and Mical/Disciple by actually losing INF with them. Here is a link to the DS INF walkthrough on




    DS INF Walkthrough



    I'm going to start a DS M Exile this weekend and I don't want to use the KSE to set anyone's INF then Jedify--I didn't realize Mical was so easy to jedify as a DS'er and my last DS playthrough didn't know I had also lost enough INF with Bao-Dur to train him. Plus there were some things I missed with Brianna I want to go back and retry...which will make Malachor interesting...let Sion go medieval on Atton with a M Exile...I wonder what Atton's death scene will look like...


    Ah. Like I said, I probably shouldn't be quoted on anything that concerns dark side stuff. I go light side 90% of the time, so it's a snowballs chance in hell I ever remember anything from a dark side playthrough.

  12. But after you Jedify him to the Dark Side, doesn't he reflect your alingment?


    Not entirely positive about this, so don't quote me or anything, but I'm pretty sure Bao-Dur can only be Dark side if you're NOT dark side. Don't ask me how this works, because I'm not entirely sure myself, but that's just what I've heard. I've never made Bao-Dur dark side myself.


    You need influence with Bao-Dur to make him a jedi, right? Well, there's no way you can get that as a DS Exile. So, from what I understand, you get high influence with Bao-Dur, make him a jedi, BUT THEN, tell him to harness his anger or something, I've never picked that choice, but I'm pretty sure that's the one that makes him dark sided. And I guess technically, you could turn your Exile to the dark side AFTER that.

  13. I could ramble on for hours, honestly. So, yeah, there's quite a few in the vanilla. Also, before I start, these are what I noticed during my first playthrough many years ago when the game was first released, and I have since noticed things that made some of them make sense. Otherwise, these are what I considered plot holes.


    I'll be honest, when I first got to Malachor V, I was confused as all hell. Malachor was RARELY talked about in my game, just that it was the final site for the war, and that the Exile was there, and that's where he/she lost his/her connection to the force.


    Now, actually enter Malachor. You're tossed in the middle, first thing I asked, where are my party members? They're gone, I guess. The cutscene beforehand showed they were with me, but I guess they left. Then Mira shows up, oh! Party members ARE here! Nice! Oh wait, no, she just appeared on the planet, flew miles from the Hawk when it crashed, fought Hanharr, then what, stayed and died on Malachor when it blew up? Okay.


    Then I'm playing as remote, for no reason, and I'm like HUH!? Bao-Dur is talking about some thing called the Mass Shadow Generator, and I had NEVER heard of that before. He's asking me to prime it, I say, okay, whatever. So I do, then G0-T0 shows up, reveals *gasp*, that he's a VILLAIN of some sorts. Preaches a little, then kills remote. Oh good, unresloved, a bad guy won.


    Then I actually go through the academy. There's no dialogue, no cutscenes, I just sort of go there. To find Kreia, I know, but still, it's odd. So I reach there, fight Sion, fight Kreia. Sion mumbles, Kreia mumbles, the Hawk appears, unscathed after falling into a massive canyon, probably exploding being destroyed in the process. I get on, who's flying it? I don't know. I thought the party didn't come with me. Oh well, I get on, we fly off, into the nothingness, the end.


    Bao-Dur knows me. He tells me we were in the war together. Okay, I say, fair enough. Then he never talks to me again, never explains anything, never becomes a jedi, and just disappears from the story.


    Mandalore acts like he's never been on the Hawk before, other than that, he's alright.


    For the longest time, during my first playthrough, I didn't even think that Nihilus/Sion/Traya KNEW one another. I never got Kreia's influence high enough to see the scene about her fall, so as far as I was concerned, they were just a buncha Sith Lords running around. It's not as if Sion and Nihilus ever have any interaction, or even similar goals beyond killing all the jedi, so how would you ever know they were working together if you NEVER saw the scene? Visas acts like she doesn't know Sion, or at least never talks about it. You'd think if she was Nihilus' servant she'd bump into Sion around the Ravager now and then.


    Also, this is more of a story to gameplay gripe, but I always thought Visas built up Nihilus a little TOO much. I mean, the guy can destroy ENTIRE PLANETS, he's supposed to be some sorta god or something, right? Wrong. You get to the Ravager, and kill him by sneezing on him. The end. Okay. The big bad ass kahuna of the Sith apparently is just a pushover.


    Also, I always play as a male exile, so I don't really know a lot about Mical or anything, but he's a Republic spy, right? They never really DO anything about that, do they? Doesn't someone on the ship find out? Kreia, or Atton or someone? I don't remember. Then they just sorta let it slide.


    How about that scene with HK and T3? T3 is hiding something on the navicomputer, something about where they've been. Why would he want to hide that? It's not like it could lead anyone to Revan, he didn't take the Hawk with him into dark space. What would it show? That it once belonged to Davik? Where Revan traveled in Kotor? That it once belonged to that one fool on Nar Shadaa? Who cares? What would HK gain by seeing this, his memory back? Once again, who CARES? What bad could come from that?


    Also, Mandalore/HK/T3 don't seem to know one another. I know this was tweaked a little in TSLRCM, but in vanilla, it's like, whatever. I don't know, I know HK lost his memory, and maybe Mandalore can't discern one droid from another, but it's still odd.


    Also, as far as I know, Echani is first introduced in Kotor 2. Brianna and the sisters are Echani, and Atton has had Echani training. But what IS an Echani, exactly? Is it a race? A belief? I don't really remember them ever saying what the hell one was, I just remember Brianna saying she was one, that she was trained in the style, and that Atton was trained too.


    I also thought it was really lazy when I found Vash dead. I knew that must've been cut content before I even KNEW it actually was. Why just kill off a master? Time constraints? I guess so. Also, no need to knock Sion or anything, but I don't think he could've killed Vash that easily.


    Also, how did Sion and Nihilus die? They're dead, RIGHT? Kreia says they are, or at least not living in the same way that normal people are. They're basically dead, and are keeping themselves alive through the dark side. Okay. How did that happen? When did they die? Obviously sometime BEFORE the Sith Triumviate, because they were already dead then. I don't know, it was weird to me.


    Also, the random Sith guys who were on Dxun, the ones trying to fiddle with Onderon? Whose side were they on? This might just be me having a bad memory, or something, but on my first playthrough, I didn't know who the hell these guys were. Are they with Nihilus and Sion? Kreia says she's helping them on Onderon when she talks to Tobin. Okay, are they with HER? Probably not. Because Tobin is an ally to Nihilus, and Nihilus is sure no ally to Kreia. So why is Kreia helping them? They're Nihilus' guys, right? I don't get it.


    'Nother thing, though once again, this might just be bad memory on my part. All the jedi went to Katarr, right? They all were killed by Nihilus, right? What about the council? What about Kavar, Zez, Vrook, Atris and Vash? They didn't die. I don't remember them ever saying why they weren't there, I don't know. It seemed odd ANY jedi should still be alive, it was off to me.


    Honestly, I could go on for hours, as I said. My first playthrough of TSL on the Xbox when it came out years ago was a fun one, but an odd one. Keep in mind a lot of my gripes are my personal experiences with the game, my FIRST playthrough of the vanilla version, along with stuff that didn't make sense to me. I'm sure a lot of these things are explained, I just missed them, or maybe they WERE cut. Just saying, these were some of my gripes during my first playhthrough, when at times, I had NO idea what was going on. I understand a lot of these much better now, from reading about them, to actually SEEING them, so this is really what I experienced on my initial playthrough.

  14. Been wonderin'. Y'know after you defeat Traya, and she tells the fates of your allies and the planets? Will there be anything about M4-78? You'd think they would have recorded a line, but was it salvaged?


    This wouldn't really irk me at all if there wasn't a line, just curious if there is/was one.

  15. Well, I have gold. I don't usually play multiplayer but I do when the mood strikes me.


    XBL: Naomi is Happy


    Same goes for PSN. Don't usually play multiplayer, but you can find me on now and then.


    PSN: LeftyTheThird

  16. I think Darth Vader let himself be captured, it went a little too easy. I think Vader will be wreaking havoc in the beginning of TFU3... Maybe they decide TFU2's DS ending is canon instead of the LS ending, in that one Vader does win quite easily.


    Also, for the record, Starkiller is not that powerful. He's just angry all the time. Starkiller couldn't even sense Yoda (arguably the most powerful Force-user ever) when he was right next to him and he was absolutely no match against Palpatine in TFU1.


    While he isn't that powerful, he has the POTENTIAL to be one of the most powerful. Like you said though, he's always angry about something, never being in control, so he'll likely never achieve a state of such power.


    As for TFU3...I heard it got canned. Didn't it? They had some weird legal issues or some such nonsense going on during TFU2's development, and while they had a third planned, it got scrapped before it even got started. Mind you, this is only what I heard, and I'm sure money talks, though I'm not sure how well TFU2 sold. I know the first one sold like hotcakes, but I really only thought that was because it was on EVERY SYSTEM known to man (360, PC, PS3, Wii, Gameboy, PSP) Whatever, you name it, TFU was on it. They had a wide array of customers that's for sure. Keep in mind, this was a story I heard on Kotaku, and they've been known to stretch it sometimes.




    Here's the link about TFU3.

  17. The way I usually go is to go to Dantooine (so I can get the lightsaber and Vrook starts off by saying to have gaver them at Dantooine, Korriban (so I get Sion to say follow him were ever it goes so when I go to Onderon and Coruscant (mod) and soon to come Nar Shaddaa. It seems to make more sense they attack me.


    When the M4-78 mod is out I will go there next. Then it's back to Coruscant, then Dxun, ondarion, nar Nar Shaddaa, then back to Onderon :) so I can get the best out of the story


    I've heard a lot of people talking about this Coruscant mod, but it's the first I've heard of it. Could someone provide me with a link? And by the way you're talking about it, I take it that it is compatible with TSLRCM?

  18. Peragus (Forced)

    Telos (Forced) So, these two don't count, OTHERWISE though.


    Dantooine- Not sure why I always go here first. I always sort of considered it the 'beginner' planet I suppose, even though it can sometimes be the most difficult. I always sorta thought the Exile should meet with Vrook first as well, as he's the only familiar name among the masters. I'll usually bring Brianna here to try her out for the first time, and Atton/Bao-Dur for the other member.


    Dxun- If Dantooine was a beginner planet, then this REALLY is. Dxun is by far the most 'tame' planet, having almost no enemies that use ranged attacks, and apart from being a small maze, has lots of fun sidequests. I always rather enjoy coming here, and I like getting Mandalore early. I ALWAYS bring Brianna and Visas here. Visas to try her out for the first time, and Brianna because she's her foil. I love bringing characters who don't get along with one another, makes it interesting.


    Onderon (Forced) Well, you're forced to come here after Dxun, so I go. In the normal TSL I'd always bring Mandalore & Visas, dunno why. Two evil people getting angry at my good actions always makes me laugh. In TSLRCM however, I bring HK, so he can get the final coordinates to the factory here. While by going here you technically meet Kavar before Zez, you still actually get a chance to talk to him last, which I always thought was best, Kavar seems like the 'leader' of the council in my opinion.


    Nar Shadaa- This place is always sacred to me, being my favorite planet, which makes it odd that I save it for so late in the game, but whatever. I ALWAYS bring Atton here, because I sort of consider it his planet, about his past, and whatnot. As for the other member, it's never varied so much before. I've brought Brianna/Visas/Mandalore/Bao-Dur and more in the original TSL. in TSLRCM, I switch much more often, Bao-Dur for certain restored events, Brianna for some, Visas and Mandalore for others. The party changes often, is the point. As for Zez, I always thought he was the most mysterious of the masters, so putting him this late in the game always made sense to me, not sure why. This is where all of my party is becoming jedi too, everyone except Atton by now, so it makes his 'coming of age' jedi talk all the more powerful when he spills his guts about his past. The one thing I hate about leaving Nar Shadaa for so late is that I barely get time to know Mira/G0-T0, and while I always make Mira a jedi afterwards, I never feel like I really knew her that well, no matter what my allies claim about how I'm 'making friends with the bounty hunter'.


    M4-78- While I don't use this currently, when the redux version is released, this is where I'll play it in the game. The plan here is to invite along Mira and G0-T0 so I can learn to like them, and of course, to enjoy the almost entirely new planet and say hey to Vash.


    Korriban- I've always thought this should be last. For a number of reasons. One, you fight Sion here, which I always thought was a nice final fight before endgame was initiated, and there would pretty much be a boss every half hour or so. The other reason is because of the Exile's visions in the tombs. I ALWAYS relate this to Luke on Dagobah. I think the visions of the self and the future should be saved for late in any story, not to mention that it foreshadows the future, and outright almost spoils it if you haven't been talking to Kreia very much. You go through so much here too, fighting visions of Bastila, Malak, Revan, your friends, the Mandalorians, yourself for gods sake. It's a pretty epic part of the game, and definitely deserves a spot right before endgame.


    And, well, the rest of the game is forced, one way track to end game, so I can't really say what order I go through them.