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About klorch

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. So I'm still not able to get the dlg to trigger using the conversation field of the utc, so I may have to manually edit the erf dlg files. It may turn out to be a better idea anyway, as it'll help me get more experience with dialog & scripting, and will help pinpoint any dialogs that shouldn't be replaced
  2. So I've found the ERF dlg files that you've mentioned, but I tried setting m_alpha as the utc's conversation, but it still isn't showing up in-game. If I set m_alpha as the conversation, do I need a script/where would I trigger the script? Again, the goal is that the generic comments in the dlgs (which are specific to each module) would be overridden by the m_alpha dlg, if that is possible
  3. I'm trying to create a dialog file so that the player could go up to any given mercenary and start that dialog (and they'd all say the same thing, all the mercenaries with the nametag "Mercenary"). That dialog could eventually lead to some kind of quest but for right now, I'm just trying to figure out the low-level details of initiating a conversation with them. Something else occurred to me - Take for example a named npc such as Col. Tobin, with whom you can initiate conversation aboard the ravager. There isn't a dlg file specific to this conversation, just as there isn't a dlg file specific to the mercenaries' comments. In theory, the method for triggering the conversation should be the same between the two, only I don't know how to edit either dialog. I'd hoped to use it as a template. But basically, my goal is to replace those generic comments by the mercenaries with a specific conversation shared across all of them.
  4. Update: I managed to get the t_500.nss script working. Something - likely an earlier mistake of mine - was preventing the t_500.nss from compiling properly. Renaming it to t_500g.nss allowed it to compile properly, and then simply changing the script links in the dlg file worked. However, I still can't get the original script to trigger properly. I'm thinking this may be because of the nature of the mercenary creature - since there are so many different mercenaries across the game (i.e. those on Telos are different from those on Dantooine) it may not be possible to have the same conversation with all of them. Still, I would think that if they all share the name mercenary, they would all share the mercenary.utc file. Also - I can't find the mercenary.utc except by searching for it with Kotor Tool... perhaps the one that I am editing is exclusive to Kotor and not TSL. I'll continue looking in the TSL utc branch but I can't imagine that it'd be saved under something different in TSL.
  5. So I'm new to scripting and dialogue but I'm having a little trouble... The first thing I'm trying to do is have a short (newly written) conversation, triggered by a script called m_alpha.nss m_alpha.nss: void main() { ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC(), "m_alpha") } This script replaces the onConversation script associated with the mercenary.utc file. However, the script fails to fire. Am I supposed to replace the onConversation script or not? How else do I associate m_alpha.dlg with the mercenary creature file? I'd like it to initiate that conversation every time I speak to a mercenary (replacing, for example, the generic "[The mercenary just grumbles at you]" on Dantooine) Within m_alpha, there is a line that should trigger a script called t_500.nss, a test script which takes 500 credits from the player. Since m_alpha won't fire, however, I added a line in mandalore.dlg associated with t_500. The line displays properly in the conversation, but when I choose it, the script doesn't fire. t_500.nss: void main() { TakeGoldFromCreature(500,GetFirstPC(), FALSE) } Both scripts compile correctly. Clearly there is a problem with the linking of scripts to dialog. Am I supposed to include the .nss or .ncs extension when I put the script in the dialog editor? Do I just need to start with a clean savegame? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but of all the scripting tutorials out there, none of them really specify how to make scripts happen in game.