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Posts posted by Darthportus

  1. The Kotortool has an odd idiosyncracy where it won't properly save values if you don't click on another row after having changed values. It might sound strange, but it might work if you click on another row after making your changes prior to saving.


    What do you mean by click on another row ? You mean Clicking on different file in Kotor tool or you mean different texture info in appearence.2da ?

  2. Ok i tried to alter appearence.2da file using the tutorial posted on this forum. And changed envmap value to CM_Baremetal. What it did was that texture became solid intead of being transparent which is improvement but not realy what i want to achive. When i opened appearence.2da file again i noticed that all values reveret back to DEFAULT so i was thinking if the game somehow overrites my settings and that's why it doesn't work for me.

  3. You're on laptop, right? Most of them have integrated AND dedicated cards these days, so check out if game really using dedicated one. The game is really old, so it's possible that your system "thinks" that an integrated video is enough for it.

    Also, try to update or downgrade graphic card driver - I once had such problem with one particular driver version (don't remember which one exactly, it was a long time ago).

    I set Kotor 2 to use my dedicated card and my drivers are up to date though I didn't try to downgrade.

    Some weeks ago I made T3-M4 and HK-47 shiny, next to adding the CM_Baremetal entry I also had to add transparency to the textures. Some textures already have transparency in them but those didn't. I think I settled for only a little bit of transparency, something like 10%.

    Is there a tutorial for adding transparency ?

  4. Hello guys, I know there is probably a similar topic somewhere but i couldn't find any that would include my problem. The thing is that all textures that supposed to shine (droids, swords, lightsaber hilts etc.) don't do it they are not transparent tough. I read somewhere that it is caused by Intel integrated cards but I am using my dedicated NVidia card (GT 755m). Does someone know a fix for that problem ? I know that it is just a cosmetic problem - nothing that is game play altering - but I would really want to play this game with the best visuals.