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About Darthportus

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Ok i sucessfuly managed to make T3 shiny however HK units stubornely refuses to be shiny too and only became partialy invisible. Beginig to think they are doing this on purpose .
  2. Yeah it does. I think the game somewhow ignores the .Da2 file in override dicrectory and useing default one instead. When i open it from Kotor tool it's the default one but when i load up the one from override the changed values are there.
  3. Well i did that and still it change back when i start the game. Even if i set it to read only.
  4. What do you mean by click on another row ? You mean Clicking on different file in Kotor tool or you mean different texture info in appearence.2da ?
  5. Ok i tried to alter appearence.2da file using the tutorial posted on this forum. And changed envmap value to CM_Baremetal. What it did was that texture became solid intead of being transparent which is improvement but not realy what i want to achive. When i opened appearence.2da file again i noticed that all values reveret back to DEFAULT so i was thinking if the game somehow overrites my settings and that's why it doesn't work for me.
  6. I set Kotor 2 to use my dedicated card and my drivers are up to date though I didn't try to downgrade. Is there a tutorial for adding transparency ?
  7. I already tried that but either I am doing it wrong, or it doesn't work.
  8. Hello guys, I know there is probably a similar topic somewhere but i couldn't find any that would include my problem. The thing is that all textures that supposed to shine (droids, swords, lightsaber hilts etc.) don't do it they are not transparent tough. I read somewhere that it is caused by Intel integrated cards but I am using my dedicated NVidia card (GT 755m). Does someone know a fix for that problem ? I know that it is just a cosmetic problem - nothing that is game play altering - but I would really want to play this game with the best visuals.