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11 Jedi Padawan

About Barajas_201

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice

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  • Interests
    RPGs and FPS (Killzone series)
  1. ok then, not a typo thanks
  2. ok so i was in dantooie and i got to the jedi enclave and found the thief padawan that i think is restored in the TSLRCM, so i talked to her into the point where i was gave the chance to decide if i kill her or not, so the answer they gave me was something along this lines "I tire of you, you are week" so i think the typo is "I tire of you" so i think it should be "Im tire of you" or "I am tire of you". this is not really a problem but i think it could be fixed in future versions of TSLRCM, has anyone else notice this? just letting the devs know
  3. i installed allot of mods(well not allot but plenty) and the TSLRCM, can mods make the game run slower?
  4. well i installed it , thats something to do with it
  5. im in the peragus mining facility and when i go near any type of gas effect the game sort of freezes, the controls dont respond and i have to reload the game so i cant get out of there, the game never runs smooth, even with all the setting off, im running kotor 2 on xp computability pack 3 which i think is default
  6. im having problems when playing kotor 2 on my windows 7 laptop, im running the game on the lowest settings but it doesn't seem to make the game run smoother and less laggy, can someone tell me what to do to make kotor 2 run better(like what compatibly pack should i use) and with a little higher settings? here are my laptops specs
  7. hey man i ain't saying the xbox versions suck, i did love being able to play with a controller, but as i got use too the pc version's controls i found it allot easer and faster to make an action
  8. yep thats the same i did lol, i choose the pc version for the mods and superior graphics, i mean kotor 2 looks better then some xbox 360 games, well thats if your pc can handle it, this just amazes me that pc gamers had HD games way before the ps3 and xbox 360, i missed out
  9. ok i changed the resolution from 640x480 to 1024x768 on the swkotor2.ini but the cut scenes keep showing up small, yet for some reason the game menu runs smoother, what now?
  10. it worked , now the message doesn't appear
  11. ok form here where i go?
  12. ok, ill do that, but do i have to have the user account control disabled?
  13. no, i dont even know what that is, is it necessary?
  14. i disabled what you said and still it say access is denied, i have windows 7, i updated it with the latest updates, the patch and the hd movies and music, also i notice something strange after i re installed it, the swkotor2 configure thing only has this thing in it [Display Options] FullScreen=1 Disable Movies=0 Disable Intro Movies=0 Sort Modules=1 Width=640 Height=480 BitsPerPixels=32 RefreshRate=60 [sound Options] Disable Sound=0 [Graphics Options] EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=0 [Game Options] TooltipDelay Sec= i haven't started a game, could it be this the problem?
  15. how can i do what you did because im also the admin but it wont let me change it?