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Posts posted by DarthDaedric

  1. There are only two files that screw with M4-78

    They are:






    Both of those are the problem. However, if you remove them from your override, you can play M4-78, you can either replace them when you're done, or just keep them out and use "Warp 954COR" to get the the Jedi Temple mod.


    That said, is there anyway to fix these files to make them compatible?

  2. Yeah, sorry, I'm not exactly a new memeber. I was one of the first applicants to sign up for reviewing mods when the applications started. However then my computer completely died. Suffice to say, my computer problem has been fixed for a long while, however by the time I got everything up and running, I felt kind of awkward on coming back. However, I'm back now. Free to help you review and approve mods.

    This is my formal apology.

  3. Query: What are your computer's resolution options?


    Statement: You might have to use a non widescreen resolution for the game.


    1280 x 800-800 X 600

    I tried every other resolution available on my computer. Still nothing. I am currently trying to resize them using BINK and Smacker. Does anybody know how?

  4. Suggestion: Try changing the resolution in the game. Your game is not completely restricted by the resolution of your computer.


    Yeah, that was actually one of the first things I tried. In the Ini and in game. Even using the widescreen patch. It didn't work.


    I had problem with tiny BIK videos in game too. In my case updating video card driver fixed the problem.


    Updating my Nvidia drivers seems to have caused it.

  5. I'm having a massive brain fart.

    Ok. Do you mean "is it possible to have hoods for robes?" or do you mean a gesture like during dialogue where they put on a robe?(like the mod where Kreia does that in reverse when you initiate dialogue with her).

    If you just mean hoods. Yeah, there are hood mods.


    That's probably the best one I know of. There's probably a better one though.

  6. I found Heroes of the Old Republic, which not only looks a great deal like USM, but is supposedly custom-built to work with TSLRCM, so I'm hoping that one won't give me issues.


    The thing is, ever since last September I've been trying to get a group of mods together that're all compatible to present to a different group I'm in, so the less technically-savvy people there can play a really beautiful, restored KOTOR II. I know a ton of 'em want to. I loved the USM when I used it, and I wanted that to be in the build, but I can't include it because I can't finalize testing with the crash included, so now I have to settle for the next-best, no offense to the developer of HotOR.


    It simply irks me that it's what seems to be a small bug causing the issue, it's been known of in detail for nigh-on a half-year, and it hasn't been fixed yet. Hell, I'd be more worried about those who decided (and still decide) to boot up TSLRCM and the USM at the same time for the first time and got all the way to Malachor and had it bug for 'em. That's hours of playtime lost, and a great deal of whining here, but it's not fixed yet.


    I understand priority schedules. As I said, I'm an indie dev. But, also as an indie dev (albeit I don't have much experience with KOTOR II, so I don't know the difficulty of modifying its files for compatibility), I don't look at this as being a difficult fix. If it is, my mistake. If it isn't, as I said in the OP, I know a ton of us would love a fix for this bug.



    Well, I use the HoTOR mod as a shell to put the USM sabers in. Jorn did a fine job (his hilts are very good) and all and his scripting works much better than USM but it's all preference. It's very easy to do so, so if you want to not settle for "second best" just customize his mod. To my knowledge, as long as you don't upload the modded mod to any site, it's not against any rules and whatnot. Hell, I mod mods a tad all the time, like I love Jorn's Armored robes in that mod, but I wanted it in Dark Jedi Master form, so I did that, I'll never upload it and I take no credit but it suits me fine. Unless I'm wrong and I'm a terrible person, go ahead and change the mods to your own personal preference.

    • Like 1

  7. Hate to sound rude but I just don't think it's a high priority. That mod causes quite a few conflicts if I remember right.

    However, there are other ways to get that mod to work without the conflicts. It just requires using another more compatible saber mod and replacing the textures, and mdls with the USM ones. That's what I did. I just couldn't stand playing KoTOR without USM.

    • Like 1

  8. Hi Guys I am on KOTOR 2 a Sith Lord (dark side^^)... I have now the part of the Hk 50 Factory (destroy it), but when I have kill Atris, I jump into the militarybase as my player not as HK-47... And I can't go into the Factory... What have I do false?


    I have:

    - update 1.0b

    - Couruscant mod

    - TSLRCM 1.7


    I hope somebody can help me...


    I've heard of this issue, I can't remember what causes it.

    I play Dark Side all the time, so that can't be it. Have you tried saving the Factory, you could side with the 50's instead of the 51's if you want Malachor to survive(...or is it the personality download that causes HK to kill the remote? I've never wanted Malachor intact.)

    Also, what was your install order? I'm sure you're fine here but just to be sure.


    All else fails, you could just warp to the next location

  9. Awesome. Thanks.

    Where exactly should I have posted this?

    This has only a little to do with TRCM and more to do with Vanilla TSL.

    The Old Republic board seems to be more about the MMO, why don't we have a KoTOR 1 and 2 board?

  10. Having gone through the game quite a few times now I realized even though I usually cheat in all the HK parts, I never repair him until after Telos, fearing that it might bug a few things, such as getting him back after Telos, using him at all on Telos, bugging the HK Factory quest, bugging quests on Telos where Atton and Kreia are supposed to comment on the quest path you've chosen, ect.


    Anyone ever try to repair him before Telos? Does it work? Does it bug the game to all hell?

  11. I believe in the Force. The Force surrounds us all and allows me to shoot lightning from my finger tips. I can trick anyone into believing what I want with a wave of my hand. When I die, I'll come back as a glowing blue ghost. Who needs any other god?

    • Like 2

  12. Yeah, I've been posting here and there and realized that I never gave an introduction.

    Hi, I'm Ian. The following is random information on me.


    I've been gaming since my SNES. My favorite console was probably the Dreamcast.


    I like KoTOR II infinitely better than Kotor 1.


    I hate the first Star Wars movie, I think it's dull, yet not as much as I hate Episode 1 and 2.


    My favorite lightsaber color is Viridian.


    I hate motion controls, I see them as a useless gimmick.


    My favorite games are: Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect 2, KoTOR II, Crysis Warhead, Republic Commando, Dead Rising 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario 64, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic CD, LoZ: A Link to the Past, LoZ: Link's Awakening, LoZ: Majora's Mask.


    My favorite TV shows are: Police Squad, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Futurama, Highlander, Seinfeld and The X-Files.


    My favorite movies are: Ghostbusters, Highlander, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon 2, Escape from New York, Fight Club and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.


    I think thats a fair share of info about me. Good enough?

  13. I for one would like to able to explore my game's world without having to worry that some jerk who's twenty levels above me is going to swoop down and kill me, forcing me to re-roll or lose all my stuff that I worked hard to get. That's my absolute main issue with MMO's.

  14. im in the peragus mining facility and when i go near any type of gas effect the game sort of freezes, the controls dont respond and i have to reload the game so i cant get out of there, the game never runs smooth, even with all the setting off, im running kotor 2 on xp computability pack 3 which i think is default


    The gas causes a framerate hit for me, but I haven't had it that bad (and I pray that continues, I suppose I should count my fortune). Really sorry about that. Have you tried running without compatibility mode?


    Also, shouldn't this be moved to general discussion? Although it is an valid subject, It really doesn't fit in the "TSLRCM" category.

  15. From my experience (and I have similar issues) compatibility mode only worsens the problem.

    I'm actually curious on how to solve this myself, I'm guessing that you have half second stops for no reason. Right? That don't happen all the time but happen randomly? Other than that you have smooth gameplay?

    Perhaps this is a problem that could be fixed with a solid state drive? Faster reading off the drive could cause it happen less often.

  16. Hello,I Have Enjoyed This Restoration Mod and l have fun on this,but now lm having some troubles,when l was on the hk 47 droid factory,I disabled the factory And I Download the hk 50 behaviour core,But on Malachor V,I got the little Remote To try to start the Mass Shadow Generator,Which then G0-T0 Appears,l though that hk 47 would come to save the day and destroy G0T0 and then,G0T0 Scrambles HK-47 And makes Hk-47 Destroy the Remote and Make Malachor still be ok,I Dont Want Malachor to still exist as a planet and That visas stay there forever teaching everyone for a war,What l do to Destroy G0T0 And Activate The mass Shadow Generator?.

    Thank you


    You downloaded the new behavior core. Don't do that. I think you also have to side with the HK-51's. Maybe, not sure on that one.