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About Atranoth

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 03/07/2000

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    United States
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    Drumming, Former JKHub Mod/Map Maker. Play countless of video games. Junior in high school.

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  1. Me and a friend I made yesterday are figuring out a fix as of right now I can only warp there. However I am updating a mod that the mod author just simple stopped working on, with a friend and Im really happy with the end result.
  2. Yes first tslrcm then m4 then jedi temple then the compatability after all that I installed slm
  3. Ok so I recently installed SLM 2.0, I have found a lightsaber/sword that I would like to use for Bao-Dur called the Darksword, When Installing Darksword it showed a slm 2.0 training saber instead. Can someone make a patch to where the Darksword doesn't interfere with SLM? Darksword: SLM 2.0: Edit: Fair Strides and I are currently working on this together, also making a few changes.
  4. SLM 2.0 Force and Feats Content Pack TSLRCM M4 78 Prequal Robes MOvie style master robes KSE Warp Band High Level Force Powers Wound In the Force Head Vaklu Head Call of Aid Jedi Temple Jedi Temple Compatibility Extended Enclave DM Quarterstaffs Replacement Vibroswords Pretty sure its the right liink.
  5. Oh. I thought their was, either way when I land their I look out the window and Im still on the planet I was on before, also when I go outside Im still on the planet I was before instead of Coruscant
  6. Oh Wow. I just wish It could be fixed Im sick of keep having to go in kse to use Handmaiden.
  7. So I installed TSLRCM and M4 planet, then I installed the TSL Jedi Temple and the Compatibility mod, when I look at the galaxy map the planet shows up and I go to travel to it, there is no cutscene that shows me actually going to the planet then it exits out putting me in the planet I was in before. Please help?
  8. Due to those bugs is what makes some features incompatible for instance I cant use the item it gives you to switch between handmaiden or disciple. SO I have to use KSE everytime I would like to use Handmaiden
  9. Is it possible to make a recruitment mod without replacing other companions? For instance partyswap is incompatible rn with tslrcm. I would like to be able to use both Handmaiden and Disciple because I have them both recruited. But I can only use Disciple due to the partyswap bug. Please help?
  10. How is this in the wrong section? Partyswap isnt part of TSLRCM. I mean I do have it installed but rlly?
  11. Its an easy fix if its steam that makes this issue: 1. Go into your swkotor2.ini 2. Look for DisableVertexBufferObjects= under Graphics Options. And Change it to this. Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 with spaces inbetween. It will work now.
  12. One of my own saves. and not one but pretty much all of them except for the one thats pretty much all the way at the beginning. IT upsets me. And I think the source of the problem is the fact of party swap i uninstalled it due to it wasnt working right. Now I crash everytime I try to load the save game. I dont wanna restart my game i put 8 hours into the game.
  13. Im guessing I have a corrupted game save because everytime I try to load the save my game crashes. Please help I got so far in the game and I made 3 different save files for this. I can't play on any of them please help. Mods I have Prequel Replacement Robes Movie Style Jedi Master Robes TSLRCM and Droid Planet SLM 2.0 Feats and Powers Content Pack High Level Force Powers Vibrosword Replacement Staff Replacements Coruscant Planet Mod Widescreen Patch I believe that is all I have.
  14. TSLRCM : Widescreen Patch: TSL replacement hilts: Replacement Quarterstaffs: Vibrosword Replacement: Movie style jedi master robes: TSL Prequel Robes: KSE: