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Everything posted by Scorm

  1. Hello again I am the one who got troubles with hp regen and a lot of t3m4s'.. I do not use patch 1.0c and these problem disappeared. But tthere is no t3m4 in this damn pipe at all. Droid does not appear on camera view and it isn't there when I finally rich this pipe, thus droid doesn't join to my party and I can't go on. Help pls
  2. Hello My problem is the next: On peragus, in Fuel Depot location (where I need to open airlock with voiceprint protocol), I use console and get access to the fuel line sensors, and get the picture of the tunnel where damaged t3m4 was dumped. After that the quest 'rescuing t3m4' refreshes in my journal and HP of my character (and the whole party) stops regenerating automatically. So I can still use medpacks, heal with the 'heal' force power, even the special armor improvement, which gives HP regen, works, but HP do not regenerate automatically(and of course the feat that increases hp regen does not work). As I have checked, this problem appears exactly after detecting damaged t3m4 in this damn tunnel. I hoped, that after finding t3m4 the problem will disappear, but I was wrong. Instead of this, I have found a crowd of t3m4 in this tunnel! There was 10 or even more of them. One of them joined to my party after dialog. Other stayed there. They even helped me to kill the enemy droids. It was rather funny. I wasn't disappointed when found t3m4 in such company, but the absence of health regeneration makes me sad. Can you help me? System information: Vista x64 intel core 2 quad nvidia GTX 260 I play with TSLRCM vers 1.7 and TSLRCM 1.7 unofficial fix, and patch 1.0c xenon final(may be here is the problem?). Help me pls.