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About dannygolds

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Looking for possible help for fix on my Kotor 2 save. Reached the point where I would have had to taken Hanharr due to my dark side affiliation. Downloaded the Choose Mire or Hanharr mod. Everything was working fine until I got to the cut scene where Mira and Atton are talking in Zez-Kai Ell's and you have to escape out of that trap house on the docks. First walls started to change color. T3 would have a weird red block around him and eventually my game crashed. Tried to restart, but game would black screen on game menu. Tried to uninstall mod, but that didn't work either. Reinstalled mod 4 times, got game to load, but random polygons everywhere followed by crash. Currently reinstalling the game. Looking for any answers. Thank you to anyone who could help.