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About johncomnenus

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Gotcha, thanks. Well, I made the changes and got the file to compile! Will test it out and report back.
  2. Awesome! I'll try and make the same changes to K2's file, then. I really appreciate your taking a look. By the way, am I right in thinking that the third-party script also removes events 2013 and 2014?
  3. Thank you very much! I've gotten DeNCS and Kotor Tool to work on my Mac, after some serious annoyances. Sadly, the decompiled .nss version of the GOG user's k_ai_master.ncs file is hard for me to make sense of, and very dissimilar to the default k_ai_master as extracted from KOTOR 1's files to boot. I hope I'll be able to figure it out.
  4. Hi all, I'd like to make my first-ever mod: My goal is to turn off henchman AI in combat for KOTOR 2. I was inspired by this gentleman's file, "k_ai_master.ncs," for KOTOR 1, which I used when I played through that game and found to work perfectly. I was hoping to reverse-engineer it and implement something similar for KOTOR 2's k_ai_master file. (very basic) Question 1: Am I correct in thinking I'll need to use the KOTOR Scripting Tool to open the KOTOR 1 k_ai_master file up, find the changes that were made, and make similar ones for KOTOR 2's k_ai_master file? I ask because I haven't been able to get KOTOR Scripting Tool to work on my Mac even with a CrossOver install, and I'd like to know for sure before I borrow a PC and do it there. Question 2: KOTOR 2 has a bunch of different AI scripts. Would the easiest approach be to futz with one of these - the "Stationary" script, say, since it's already pretty close to what I want - and limit myself to that? Thanks very much for your help!