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10 Jedi Padawan

About Verkruk

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Ahh curses! That means no more turbo speed white bikin clad babe running around! Was seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a game in a long while, loading a game and suddenly no more jumpsuit underwear but the white bikini and with the speed cheat on, pure awesomeness. Thanks, I will try a clean install with 1.7 and fix to see if that solves the issue.
  2. Hello everyone. This is my first post and it is out of desperation I am 30 hours into the game, and have gathered all the Jedi Masters to Dantoonie following what is considered the classic canon version of events. I arrive and enter the Enclave. The first time I did this I had Canderous and HK-47 with me. The scene pans around the court yard and the dead tree, snaps to me all by myself and... nothing happens. Kreia doesn't enter and say her stuff and its just me and the unresponsive Masters. Kriea is no longer a party option, yet the Jedi Masters are all alive but unresponsive. And the Quest remains where it was prior to entering the Enclave. Basically its broke and can't be fixed. So I reload and include Kreia in my party. Enter the Enclave, goes to the cut scene. Kriea talks, Kriea sits down on the light switch... black screen of death. Is this TSLRCM related issue? Completely unrelated issue? Or a previously existing issue that is somehow triggered by the new content? Any help would be fabulous right now. Thanks in advance. Running 1.7 with the unofficial fix and a mod called slenderbodyf_v11