Darth Jack

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Posts posted by Darth Jack

  1. BRO IT WORKKED.. JESUS I CAN VIEW THE SCRIPT NOW.. FORGET THE EXPERIMENT I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE THE SCRIPT.. The problem was that in the readme it told me to extract the kotor 2 nwscript so I did what you said and use the KOTOR 1. Thanks for stressing this with me, I got DeNCS to work. I'll experiment some more I am done for now. May the force be with you

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  2. Edit: I reinstalled the game and finally saw the decompiled code.. Turns out I did something by a mistake there were multiple armbands and the game didn't know what to do.. Now I am working with a fresh install and a script.  This is the script I need help because this is my second time editing a script and I don't wanna mess it up.


     T 00000381
    0000000D 1E 00 00000008           JSR fn_00000015
    00000013 20 00                    RETN
    00000015 02 06                    RSADDO
    00000017 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000001D 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost1"
    0000002E 05 00 00C8 02            ACTION GetObjectByTag(00C8), 02
    00000033 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    0000003B 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000041 02 06                    RSADDO
    00000043 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000049 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost2"
    0000005A 05 00 00C8 02            ACTION GetObjectByTag(00C8), 02
    0000005F 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    00000067 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    0000006D 02 06                    RSADDO
    0000006F 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000075 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost3"
    00000086 05 00 00C8 02            ACTION GetObjectByTag(00C8), 02
    0000008B 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    00000093 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000099 02 06                    RSADDO
    0000009B 04 03 00000001           CONSTI 00000001
    000000A1 05 00 0224 00            ACTION GetFirstPC(0224), 00
    000000A6 04 03 00007FFF           CONSTI 00007FFF
    000000AC 05 00 00E3 03            ACTION GetNearestObject(00E3), 03
    000000B1 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    000000B9 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    000000BF 02 12                    RSADDLOC
    000000C1 03 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    000000C9 05 00 00D5 01            ACTION GetLocation(00D5), 01
    000000CE 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    000000D6 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    000000DC 03 01 FFFFFFEC 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFEC, 0004
    000000E4 05 00 002A 01            ACTION GetIsObjectValid(002A), 01
    000000E9 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    000000EF 0B 20                    EQUALII
    000000F1 1F 00 00000099           JZ off_0000018A
    000000F7 02 05                    RSADDS
    000000F9 04 05 000C str           CONSTS "cs_sithghost"
    00000109 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    00000111 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000117 03 01 FFFFFFFC 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFFC, 0004
    0000011F 05 00 002E 01            ACTION PlaySound(002E), 01
    00000124 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000012A 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    00000132 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost1"
    00000143 04 03 00000001           CONSTI 00000001
    00000149 05 00 00F3 04            ACTION CreateObject(00F3), 04
    0000014E 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000154 04 04 00000000           CONSTF 0.000000
    0000015A 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    00000162 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000168 04 03 00000BBB           CONSTI 00000BBB
    0000016E 05 00 00B4 02            ACTION EffectVisualEffect(00B4), 02
    00000173 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000179 05 00 00D8 04            ACTION ApplyEffectAtLocation(00D8), 04
    0000017E 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000184 1D 00 000001F5           JMP off_00000379
    0000018A 03 01 FFFFFFF0 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF0, 0004
    00000192 05 00 002A 01            ACTION GetIsObjectValid(002A), 01
    00000197 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000019D 0B 20                    EQUALII
    0000019F 1F 00 00000099           JZ off_00000238
    000001A5 02 05                    RSADDS
    000001A7 04 05 000C str           CONSTS "cs_sithghost"
    000001B7 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    000001BF 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    000001C5 03 01 FFFFFFFC 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFFC, 0004
    000001CD 05 00 002E 01            ACTION PlaySound(002E), 01
    000001D2 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    000001D8 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    000001E0 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost2"
    000001F1 04 03 00000001           CONSTI 00000001
    000001F7 05 00 00F3 04            ACTION CreateObject(00F3), 04
    000001FC 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000202 04 04 00000000           CONSTF 0.000000
    00000208 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    00000210 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000216 04 03 00000BBB           CONSTI 00000BBB
    0000021C 05 00 00B4 02            ACTION EffectVisualEffect(00B4), 02
    00000221 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000227 05 00 00D8 04            ACTION ApplyEffectAtLocation(00D8), 04
    0000022C 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000232 1D 00 00000147           JMP off_00000379
    00000238 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    00000240 05 00 002A 01            ACTION GetIsObjectValid(002A), 01
    00000245 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000024B 0B 20                    EQUALII
    0000024D 1F 00 00000099           JZ off_000002E6
    00000253 02 05                    RSADDS
    00000255 04 05 000C str           CONSTS "cs_sithghost"
    00000265 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    0000026D 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000273 03 01 FFFFFFFC 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFFC, 0004
    0000027B 05 00 002E 01            ACTION PlaySound(002E), 01
    00000280 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000286 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    0000028E 04 05 000D str           CONSTS "bos_bosghost3"
    0000029F 04 03 00000001           CONSTI 00000001
    000002A5 05 00 00F3 04            ACTION CreateObject(00F3), 04
    000002AA 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    000002B0 04 04 00000000           CONSTF 0.000000
    000002B6 03 01 FFFFFFF4 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFF4, 0004
    000002BE 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    000002C4 04 03 00000BBB           CONSTI 00000BBB
    000002CA 05 00 00B4 02            ACTION EffectVisualEffect(00B4), 02
    000002CF 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    000002D5 05 00 00D8 04            ACTION ApplyEffectAtLocation(00D8), 04
    000002DA 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    000002E0 1D 00 00000099           JMP off_00000379
    000002E6 02 06                    RSADDO
    000002E8 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    000002EE 05 00 0241 01            ACTION GetPartyMemberByIndex(0241), 01
    000002F3 01 01 FFFFFFF8 0004      CPDOWNSP FFFFFFF8, 0004
    000002FB 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000301 2C 10 00000000 00000018  STORE_STATE 10, 00000000, 00000018
    0000030B 1D 00 0000005B           JMP off_00000366
    00000311 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000317 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    0000031B 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    0000031F 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    00000323 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    00000327 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    0000032B 04 05 0000 str           CONSTS ""
    0000032F 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000335 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000033B 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    00000341 04 05 000F str           CONSTS "bos_shadowpower"
    00000354 04 03 00000000           CONSTI 00000000
    0000035A 05 00 0241 01            ACTION GetPartyMemberByIndex(0241), 01
    0000035F 05 00 00CC 0C            ACTION ActionStartConversation(00CC), 0C
    00000364 20 00                    RETN
    00000366 03 01 FFFFFFFC 0004      CPTOPSP FFFFFFFC, 0004
    0000036E 05 00 0006 02            ACTION AssignCommand(0006), 02
    00000373 1B 00 FFFFFFFC           MOVSP FFFFFFFC
    00000379 1B 00 FFFFFFEC           MOVSP FFFFFFEC
    0000037F 20 00                    RETN
    The bos_ghost1 2 and 3 I think are the only shadows you can summon! :D should I add a bos_ghost4?

  3. When I opened the file i saw DeNCS but it wasn't a executable just a blank file.. I am so close but it's not an executable :/ i'll try to test and see what's the problem 


    Edit: DONT KNOW HOW BUT IT WORKED.. I was able to click the file I will tell you the progress will update when done. Thanks so much for standing with me through this


    Edit: decompiling bos_usepower.ncs faliure.. Dang


    Edit: Maybe I am doing something completely wrong... Earlier you mentioned "See script when fired" How do you do that? How am I supposed to know what script fires when I am using it? I hope I'm just using the wrong file


    Edit: It's the right file no doubt about it DeNCS wont do anything about it I am stumped maybe there is another solution

  4. Thank you! Alright, everything is going good so far, I found out the script name of the armband bos_usepower.ncs and use the kotor tool to extract the script to the kotor tool directory but it tells me to open up the fat.jar file how would I open it up? I believe this is the last step.. Also, I have the latest Java installed am I doing something wrong?


    Edit: I installed another java and now the file opens but crashes immediately after.

  5. Hey guys! I was playing brotherhood of shadow for the 39th time and I wanted to experiment on something I wanted to do for a LONG time.. So, the armband Silveredge9 created has a limit of 3 shadows... I wanted to see if I could remove that limit to have more shadows to help me in combat because I want to have an all out war :P. I tried editing with the GFF and the KOTOR TOOL to no avail :( any tips? I've been trying for a day to figure it out is it some kind of script I have to edit? I'm completely and utterly stumped..  

  6. Believe it or not there are still people in this galaxy who want to find out if certain mods are compatible with the k1 or tslrcm restoration mods. I am simply here to inform those who are lurking and want to find out if it is compatible and where to download.

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  7. For anyone else just getting back to this game I've found a solution for a extra sliced open starport visas. just input cheat code pl_visa_sliced (WARNING): When using this cheat each time you giveaway a Visa it will clear out all of the visa's you've gained from the cheat so each time you give them away to someone simply enter the cheat again.


    Code: Giveitem pl_visa_sliced

  8. Considering this post was in 2016 and he probably already found his answer the mod he was referring to: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/1073/?. The download site is on nexus so to download you must create an account. Note: When you are under files and about to download do NOT download the Darthdac's warpband 2.0 instead download the update below it "Darthdac's Warp band update" And yes, this mod is fully compatible with the amazing K1 restoration mod. You can even install the warpband before you install the k1 restoration. But it is still recommended to install it after.

  9. I've never done this in my life I actually signed up for a site out of pure emotion and sadness I only signed up because these are the people I feel at home with. I grew up with this game and I loved it so much I first had it with a Xbox console but I wanted to get into modding because it was cool so I learned how to download files and I used it for a while ( It was hard at first) and now to see it leave I am really sad but I am happy most of the files are at gamefront I just want to tell you all even if you are Anonymous who ever is reading I love you all... :/

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