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Everything posted by LordVGames

  1. Retail, downloaded from "[snipped]" [link snipped] Also, I've tried putting fullscreen to 1, but I'll try again when I reinstall the game (because I uninstalled it) Also, my current resolution is 1280x800
  2. Hello all users! There have been (and still are) alot of KOTOR 2 problems, and mine might be different than the others. Here's what happens: I start my game by going to the actual file (called swkotor2.exe, and not the shortcut-ed launcher), the game starts up at a black screen, a split second later, a message pops up saying: "Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic has stopped working" and I click cancel. Remember, this happens before anything: movies, intros, not even the title screen! If I launch from the shortcut-ed launcher, the same result. Let me copy and paste my swkotor2.ini file below [Display Options] FullScreen=1 Disable Movies=1 Disable Intro Movies=1 Sort Modules=1 Width=800 Height=600 BitsPerPixels=32 RefreshRate=60 [sound Options] Number 3D Voices=32 Number 2D Voices=32 2D3D Bias=1.00 Force Software=0 EAX=0 Sound Init=0 Disable Sound=0 [Graphics Options] EnableHardwareMouse=0 FullScreen=1600 AllowWindowedMode=1 Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 RefreshRate=60 Width=800 Height=600 Emitters=1 Anisotropy=1 Frame Buffer=1 Soft Shadows=1 Brightness=57 V-Sync=0 Texture Quality=0 Anti Aliasing=0 [Game Options] TooltipDelay Sec= Disable Movies=1 [config] firstrun=0 Now, let me post my computer info below Processor: Intel® Core Duo CPu U7700 Installed Memory (RAM): 2.00 GB System type: 32-bit Operating system Well, I've already looked on the internet for a long time, and haven't found anything like my problem, I Updated from 1.0 to 1.0b, nothings worked. Please find a solution when you can =( If you do, I'll thank you greatly. (Also, if you have the time, I have this same problem with KOTOR 1, so maybe the same solotion might fix it?) Well, I hope you help me with this!