Hi guys,
I recently started a playthrough of TSL having not played in years. I was using an entirely different comp last time I played.
Current card on my lame computer is HD4650. CM_Baremetal is simply not working on anything it should be. It isn't working on swords, or droids, or T3 (even though I've edited the 2da, txi and tga such that it should display).
Nothing in the game is shiney and altering a textures alpha channel has zero effect unless I make it full black, which makes the model in game full cream colour but still flat and without shine.
Is there something in the config .ini file that turns shaders on / off? I've done so much experimenting I have no idea what to try next. I have tried changing the appearance 2da, the txis, and the tga (and alphas) of textures I know should be shiney, and still no shine. I guess on the plus side they are not transparent
I have a ton of mods and have done since starting so it's very possible that the mods are the problem I'm just having a hard time thinking what file could be responsible for the problem.