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Everything posted by Sindalis

  1. Thank you thank you thank you! that solved the issue instantly!
  2. You have speculated exactly correct with only one exception. I've been trying to use the Kotor tool and cant get it to work. no matter what I do it doesnt recognize my kotor2 install (which is the steam version) so thus its in a different location and i think THAT might be messing with it. other than that, it is giving me a .net error on load since it was designed for dotnet 1.1 and not 3.5 (which is what win7 x64 ships with. i think.) as such, im at a loss of how to get it to actually open to get the files i need. directions on that would be appreciative. just for further information. the errors I get when TRYING to open it are below. for said first image, I dont know what to do to resolve. I gave it the path of the main kotor 2 directory and it still gives this to me. Not sure what its looking for. second error. .net error, no bloody idea how to resolve this, still looking to fix error 1 before i get into this
  3. Good Evening, I apologize if this question has been asked before. I'm trying to merge a new appearance.2da with another that's in my override folder for Kotor II. And the merging tools require a 'base' appearance.2da to compare between them. I am assuming this 'base' is stored in one of the BIF files in the data directory, most likely 2da.bif... but not sure. Most importantly though. HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU OPEN ONE? I have spent like 6 hours searching, and either the instructions everywhere I go are woefully incomplete, missing pictures for instructions, or the programs to open said files don't work on Win7 x64 (or i haven't found a way to MAKE them work yet) So the question is. how do you extract them to get the raw files? Or if anyone has or could point me to an unaltered appearance.2da i could move on. Thank you for your assistance.