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Everything posted by chris-red

  1. Hi all, playing TSLRCM for the first time. I have gotten to the Darth Nilius fight and got stuck, had a quick Google and everyone seems to say it is easy, I've done every quest (that I could find) up to this point, I'm level 31, and normally fly through any fights. In a straight up fight he would destroy my team (Visas and Canderous) in less than a minute. I thought I could possibly win by running round dodging him and force lightening him but that would be hella boring. IN the end I had a brain wave and download this mod;104377 Which is supposed to make the fight harder, after I installed this he was MUCH easier and I beat him first time. I just wanted to post this encase it was a bug and encase any one else was stuck here and needed a solution. Thanks, Chris
  2. I've downloaded them all thanks, Has there been any though to A JKE type full enhancement? Someone combining lots of various skins to reskin the whole game in one package?
  3. Hi Guys, I'm a huge Old Republic fan, not just the games but the whole period. I believe I have more of less read EVERYTHING, novels, graphic novels (with the small exception of the Knight Errant graphic novel, I'm part way through the second TPB) and The Lost Tribe of the Sith. I've completed KotOR many times and I play SWToR. I stumbled upon the the RCM after reading an article about TSL. I must admit, I think I have only completed TSL once, possibly twice. I didn't gel with it as well as the original mainly because of how buggy it was and how clearly lumps of it were missing. The RCM is making me very excited to play TSL as it should have been, so excited in fact, I'm currently installing it from work via Remote desktop and my week old PS4 will be off tonight! My question is this, is there an all encompassing graphics mod? I see lots of mods for the odd tweak here and there but personally I dislike those, I feel it jars the game if some objects/textures/backgrounds look really nice and others look vanilla. I would like to play the game with updated graphics however I think I would prefer one consistent style rather than a mix of randomly updated resources. I look forward to playing this game in all it's glory and thanks for all your efforts!