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10 Jedi Padawan

About Shamus

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Hmm, I suppose that would make sense--if I had played as DS, which I didn't :-P Especially when the last scene shows the Exile and Atton walking off into the sunset (err, darkness) together. Yeah, I didn't get the 51's to follow HK-47, but Goto didn't destroy HK-47 (Goto "persuades" HK-47 to join him). Just sayin'. It seems weird that the earthquake didn't trigger and there doesn't seem to be any logic to it. :-) Even if it does fall, it's strange that it's in any shape to fly out of the core. Really just minor quibbles in an otherwise excellent job. :-)
  2. @jswartz0181: Yeah, I found it. Dunno why I didn't see it first time through. *shrug* Well, I finally finished it and I have to say very well done! There was one thing that had me scratching my head though, and that was that the earthquake on Malachor which is supposed to drop the Ebon Hawk into the core never triggered and the last scene was a slow pan out of the core with a corresponding slow pan over to a nebula or galaxy. Makes you wonder how they were supposed to get out of there without a ship. ;-) I vaguely remember playing vanilla all those years ago and the last scene having the Ebon Hawk coming out of the core and flying off to parts unknown. It's kinda weird to see that scene without the ship on it. :-)
  3. @MrPhil: Yup, one and the same. :-) And here I am wasting time playing KOTOR 2. ;-) @HH: Thanks for that, I figured it had to be a trigger issue. Now if I could only figure out how to get that proton core out of the friggin' missile so I could actually *set* that 4th bomb... O_o When you try to get it directly it mentions something about a control console, but there doesn't seem to be any such animal onboard. If it's there, don't tell me, I'll find it. :-)
  4. This is on plain 4 CD KOTOR 2 with the 1.01b patch and just the TSLRCM 1.7 + 1.7 fix. I get to the Ravager and take the lift up to the bridge, but the first door you come to just says "Locked" when you try to open it--there are no other options. Something's supposed to trigger being able to open that door, no? :-) Prior to going there, I set the three charges that I could, and found the missile bay, talked to Colonel Tobin, had Visas do her thing in her chamber, but never saw the cutscene between Mandalore and Visas as described on this page. I'm pretty sure I've been everywhere on the Ravager and killed all the Sith onboard with the exception of the bridge (for obvious reasons). Is this a bug? If not, I'll figure out how to deal with it. :-)