I have found the solution. Turns out I just needed to enable the resolution through the nvidia control panel. As soon as I enabled all the 640x480 resolutions the game stopped minimizing. Thank God...
The hxd is very complicated. I'm not very computer savvy when it comes to coding. If someone could give me layamans directions for converting the bik files in some way so the game doesn't crash that'd be awesome. Also Hassat the game crashes when it minimizes...not I can alt tab back into it. I have to use task manager to shut it down. I'm not using the wide screen patch cause it makes the game look too stretched vertically in the 1920x1200 resolution
I have the disk version of Kotor 1. I am running an Asus 1920x1200 monitor and a gtx 780 video card. I am aware that disable movies disables ALL the movies.I need a solutio besides running the game in windowed mode I can't stand that. I'm running windows 7 pro btw. I've put the game in xp service pack 3 compatibility and run the game in admin mode. Still no luck on playing the ebon hawk flying bids in fullscreen. Any help or troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated.