Darth Mascany

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Everything posted by Darth Mascany

  1. I support the idea of compiling mods into one simple installation for TSL. It would be a great asset to have such a mod, but I think that TSLRCM wants to cover only the cut content from the game. We have to agree that only cut content should be in TSLRCM, because that is its name. Now, what I propose is to make a TSLRCM compatible mod with all the essential mods included that give us new planets, like Coruscant Jedi Temple (but with more detail coverage, more quests and NPCs), new side-quests, and more game play. There should also be made a single mod including mods that changes sounds, clothes, heads, and other details, which don't make a difference by themselves, but make a nice change and a feeling of playing a new game. I also think there should be one single mod that includes mods that changes the loading screens, interface and other content related to the interface. Just an encouragement for modders. I think this project should be done, because with all of this made the game would gain a different experience for all involved. With the experience they have in modding, maybe one day, if they work together, they could make KOTOR III of their own. All they would need is a good plot, which I could provide.
  2. Yeah, I would like to have a lot of different mods. I'd like to mod myself, but I think that it's too time consuming, and I can't bother, with college taking my precious youth. xD Still, I would like to hear somebody's ideas for KOTOR 2 mods, and no one has posted them. I'm sure everyone's got at least one. They're never going to make it if you don't speak up. And may the Schwartz be with you, as Yogurt would say. xD
  3. Can anyone post a list of mods that would be compatible with TSLRCM 1.7? I'm sure it would help a lot of people here.
  4. Yeah, I bumped onto the same thing I think when I was looking for the mod, because I thought somebody had already made it, and that I could download it right away. Instead I found just some ideas for making it. But I didn't like the armband part or the remote part. It's a bit stupid, and it wouldn't be so popular. This way it stays a bit closer to the original storyline.
  5. Hello. I am new to all this modding stuff, but I think I have a faint idea, if nothing else, how modding works. I've played my share of mods, and for that reason, I would like to give a little contribution to the modding community, if not with my modding skills, then with some creative ideas. I would expect the same from everybody else. What I would like to address first are the mods that I've played by now, and which I consider nice. TSLRCM and M4-78 are the best I know for now, and I know they're in capable hands, so I won't be discussing them, although I would like to see the M4-78EP come out soon. Now, to more pressing matters. 1. My first idea was about the main quest to gather all the Jedi to Dantooine. Why can't you kill just one of the Jedi, e.g. Master Vrook (who I think is the most annoying, and more stubborn than Atris maybe), and still have the light side scene at the enclave with the remaining masters. 2. A stupid idea, but maybe someone could change the meeting place with the masters, from Dantooine to Coruscant. xD 3. Why not make a mod for having both Handmaiden and the Disciple. One of them could replace GO-TO's character slot, and you could make GO-TO a quest-giver on the Ebon Hawk, because that is mainly what he does, gives you the quest to save the Republic. 4. Why not ask deathdisco to join the Deadly Stream (if he isn't a member already), and make Coruscant a more playable planet. Maybe add some voices to the mod and more dialogues with Kreia, like why she can't go. Sound parts from Korriban could be used for that. 5. The Ebon Hawk history would be a nice touch as a side quest expansion (and I mean more than just a computer telling you who the previous owners were, or the small part on Nar Shadaa, where you meet with one of them). But I would understand if nobody would want to work on this. It's just something I would like. And so on, and so forth... P.S. Is it somehow possible to import planets from KOTOR 1 to KOTOR 2? If not, why not? Think outside the box (without disrespect to any who answer to this question). What I would like to say with all of this is: There are so many good modders out there, and I know that if they would at least set aside their differences for the sake of the game we all love, I know they could make wonders happen. P.S.S. We all know what happened with the story of WarCraft after WoW. A couple of guys who were lvl 1 a month ago killed both Illidan and Arthas. Maybe that will happen to Revan and the Exile with TOR. This world needs heroes. Whom can we look up to when all heroes die. Sorry for being melodramatic, but I was really disappointed when I heard that TOR was going to be the sequel to the KOTOR series. KOTOR wasn't a game to gain lvl's for me. It was more like reading a book, and being happy to get a cool Jedi robe while doing so. xD Sorry for being a royal pain in the backside.