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Everything posted by Blackness

  1. I'm curious, could it have something to do with killing the masters instead of sparing them? I've played light side without any issues to speak of a couple of times, but in my first dark side playthrough I get this. Just a thought...
  2. Thank you! May I ask, did you figure out what caused it? Is it something I can avoid doing in the future?
  3. This is just after getting to Telos, do you want one from earlier? 000028 -
  4. Hello there! I've been enjoying playing through this great game again but now I've run into a pretty nasty bug. I've just gotten Force Crush and upon returning to the Ebon Hawk I get Atton's speech about Kreia being a Sith. After that I get cutscenes of the Ebon Hawk first leaving Dantooine then landing at Telos Academy. At this point, I regain control of the Exile and can explore an abandoned Academy. No handmaidens, no HK-50's, nothing. TSLRCM 1.8.2 + M4-78EP, no other mods. Playing the Steam version in windowed mode. I tried the KSE but I couldn't get it to work. Vrook was the last master I fought and I didn't get a proper cutscene with him, could that be the culprit? I would really appreciate help with this, as I'm having great fun playing TSL again and would very much like to finish this playthrough.