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About gudal84

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Thanks. Who is that guy? Handmaiden robe glitch is that you can, on the ebon hawk at least, take off handmaiden's clothes, then ask har to put some clothes on, and she will put on a robe. Then you can take it off again, and continue eternaly. Solves all money problems. The robe sells for 2200, and 3000 to some guy on Dantooine if you do some mission I don't remember for him. But it might be another mod that fixes that particular issue. I had the handmaiden fix file in my current override folder, wich is without TSLRCM.
  2. Well, it seems less like cheating. I don't expect them to remove it, no. It is a glitch, after all. But they could be kind enough to mention which file that alters it.
  3. Still. It's boring not having the opportunity (yet not necessity) to grind. The biggest glitch in this game is that you cannot grind. I hate having to choose if I want to wear implants (pick con) or level up T3 (need som int) while still being a guardian.
  4. Well, I wouldn't say having the Hssiss glitch and the handmaiden robe glitch is "breaking a ton". Anyways. To me, right now, it is playing the game with the glitches or not playing at all. Can't bother to play another round where I can't "powergame".
  5. Wow, lots of responses suddenly, but yet no solution. To the defense of those of us who want the glitches: After having played the game throught several times without cheating, in all subsequent playthroughs I want to be able to use all that equipemnt I never was able to, test more force powers, etc. I agree to the fact that a better solution could be found, but face it. Some of us RPG'ers are grinders. There is no such possibility in an unglitching KotOR 2. I need to grind I want to grind. That's the point of playing RPG's, in my opnion. I know I don't share that with the entire community, but more than a fair share agree, I think. I have had to uninstall TSLRCM for the time being. I tried decompiling the scripts that came with TSLRCM to try to find out which one it was, but no luck. The ones that looked most promising weren't decompilable (decompile failed)
  6. Hi I have posted this same question as a message to VarsityPuppet, so if he answers I will update this topic. I have read thread after thread and not found an answer. I think the TSLRCM is a necessary mod, but there are some things I don't want fixed. I want to max out everything I can, so I need either a) a game with grinding possibilities or some "infinite xyz" glitches, in order to want to play a game. So... Is there a way to restore: 1) Handmaiden Robe Glitch 2) Infinite Hssiss spawn Glitch I have found one solution for 1) (removing handmaiden.dlg from Override folder), but I don't know what else I miss then. Are there any such glitch-restorers? Anyone know which file to delete to restore infinite Hssiss spawn? Thanks in advance!