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About steveb

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. steveb

    TSLRCM download

    wasn't that included already in 1.6 version? i know you could invite the droid to join your party, am not sure about conversations though
  2. steveb

    TSLRCM download

    well no official post but it is there... damn it looks like i have to reintegrate all my mods again and start a new game
  3. @Working Class Hero: As said in my post... authors will be asked for permission or even better, they can contribute/work on the "project" and credits will be given where due... oh and thanks for the welcome @bendarby24: those are a few examples that i had in mind, mods that add side quests and plots and enhance the existing things in the game. i mean... come on, cities in the game should be a bit more populated and more things to do oh and by the way... i did not say that we start a new mod, "borrow" things from other people and call it our own, no! we will put mods together as a compilation and not as "another mod".
  4. Hello everyone, am new on this board but not new to the SW franchise or the modding of games. First i would like to give my thanks to you guys, working on the TSLRCM for the great experience. Good job! It is fun playing an old game but with a new vision and am looking forward to trying 1.7 as soon as it is released. Now going to the modding part. it is a big pity to see that many mods, some of them that are really great, do not work nicely with TSLRCM. I, myself, have a bunch of mods in my override folder and with a few tweaks and small modifications i got them to work. of course a few missing npcs here and there that do not spawn, some workarounds to advance the game without crashes but it works. Now to get to the point: I was thinking about making a compilation of mods with TSLRCM as a base. Why? because it keeps on the "original" story line if not is even better. And on top of that we would add as much content as possible for all the people that like to do sidequests and small plots aside from the main story. there are lots of these mods around. with some small visual updates, like better textures, nicer items and clothing, am sure TSL will look much better. An ambitious project but in my opinion, it is doable. How would this work? well we will make a selection of mods, ask for the required permission from authors and make them compatible with one-another. i am willing to try that but i need some help/feedback/support or whatever. i know a lot about KOTOR game files, structures and the use of the tools available. the only thing i lack is scripting skills. So? what do you guys think about this? am sure lots of people have made their own little edits to mods in their override folder for compatibility so why not do it public?
  5. sorry for highjacking this thread but just have a quick question and i don't think i should start a new one... so here it goes: is it possible to make M4-78 mod compatible with TSRCM manually? Should i try or not? just wanna know if it is do-able by manually combining the changes from both mods...