Aidan Pryde

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About Aidan Pryde

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. I was in the Docks and the Refugee Sector, so this is done and I can enter the Ebon Hawk. Still on work, can't try it out at the moment. But I will, thanks so far. I've just put down the 2k creds with this "rat" type NPC and now he called. Thanks for the help.
  2. Yeah I did couple of things, freed the little girl from the exchange and killed the exchange boss (squidface, can't remember the name). But as far as I know the Red Eclipse attack on the Ebon Hawk only starts if your Rep with the exchange is high enough? I "healed" the plague guy in the refugee sector, I killed the gang in the refugee sector, serocco I think. I'll have a look into it once I am back from work today. Thanks.
  3. Hi. First of all. Good work. This game now makes so much more fun and sense. Keep it up. But now let's get to my problem. I am on Nar Shadaa and I beat the Red Eclipse on the Ebon Hawk but Visquis (G0-T0's second in command) is not calling for the meeting in the Jekk Jekk Tar. So I cannot advance in the game anymore. Is there any way I can activate this Quest via the console? Thanks.