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About Jack_Kamionko

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. due to a lot of negative feedback i've decided to scrap the project so please don't send any more emails askign to join
  2. Thanks guys I really appreciate all the advice you given me so far, i suppose i was just too eager to play kotor 3 as i'm sure everyone on this site is so i've decided to start the project on my own to show how serious i am about this. i'll leave an update on my progress here: Script and plot line - Done List of all squad members - DONE List of all NPC's encountered - Pending List of all planets visited - Done All characters heads finished - All outfits finished - All maps finished - Keep in mind that this is all stuff we need for planning i know a lot more goes into the final product but once i have this i can get started putting it all together also what is the best toolset for modding heads, scenery etc. i'm only asking cus i know some of the best modders in the community use this site
  3. 1) i know 2) i'm studying software development at college so i can do scripting. as for the other things, i can learn 3) ok 4) i wasn't expecting people to do the whole thing for me 5) was thinking around that time 6) i know 7) i'm willing to put the time into tedious things like that 8) the story is the revan novel so i know my limits 9) yup i know 10) i was looking forward to the voice over 11) it wouldn't be kotor without choices 12) i've been waiting for this since i first played kotor 2, if TOR can't stop me getting bored won't stand a chance like i said i'm studying at college so i know what goes into making a game, i just said i wanted some help to organize the project just to make sure i'm not doing everything wrong. i can also take care of any artwork we need such as posters, banners etc edit: i never expected this would be easy but i did expect it to be both an experience and fun
  4. Sort of an expansion pack for kotor 2 which follows the storyline of the revan book. at the minute i need someone experienced in modding to help me organize what to do and what we need and someone to help me rewrite the book so that it would work as a game. this is for people who want to play a canon version of kotor 3. also if you think you can help in other way in the planning stage don't hesitate to let me know. if you would like to apply for the team please send me an email wookie_kebab@hotmail.co.uk follow this link for the cover art http://social.bioware.com/bw_projects_gallery_file.php?project_id=8622&project_media_id=13899 edit: and if you have any questions feel free to ask